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Old 10-11-2021, 07:17 AM   #41
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

I’ve reread a bit more now and have seen what people have said. And I do agree with what they are saying.

What you could do is completely clean the cage (I know you’ve done this a few times, sorry!) only place plastics or hard materials back so leave any wood toys out as mites can burrow.

Don’t use hay or any bedding like that, for now maybe just use paper bedding or cut up some toilet tissue and don’t put any food in. Just for now feed only food you’ve cleaned. So wash a carrot or some seeds things like this.

I know it seems excessive, but if the bugs are still there then it is very likely they are on or in the hammie somewhere and you need to go vets.
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Old 10-11-2021, 08:42 AM   #42
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

That sounds like good advice above. Just keep the cage simple. Maybe they are some kind of tick that is on the hammy. You would think you would see them though. We had a dog that had ticks once. You couldn’t see a thing until they sucked blood, but then it just looked like a lump. It was also extremely difficult to remove them as their jaws stayed embedded in the skin (Ie they hung on!). But she only had about three and they didn’t breed. They just got attached to her from long grass.

If they are some kind of tick it’s probably from the hay. And I guess it’s possible your hammy could have blood sucking ticks. But not something I’ve heard of before. You would think you would see something. But also you said there were different types. It would be useful if someone could identify them. How about calling a local university science department and asking if one of the students would come and take a few and identify them! You never know? They might.

But agree if they don’t go after another clean, only paper bedding, no wood - then yes you’ll need to see a vet. Or if you really think they’re from the hamster, see a vet anyway. Take a couple of bugs with you!

I wouldn’t leave the cage without food though. Yes, unfortunately, you’ll need to remove all food and the hoard. But you should have new food that’s been frozen now - so put a handful of that in where the hoard was. They get quite stressed without a hoard. And just change the food in the bowl daily - if there’s any left.

I find it hard to believe they are coming from that little wood house as it’s smooth wood snd such a shame for her to lose her house. However it is possible and maybe soaking it in disinfectant would spoil it (and make it smell). You could bake it - but that might make it smell too. Maybe best to make a little cardboard house for now.

What food are you using? (I still suspect it could be hatching from food - maybe a species that just go dormant when frozen).
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Old 10-11-2021, 11:40 AM   #43
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
That sounds like good advice above. Just keep the cage simple. Maybe they are some kind of tick that is on the hammy. You would think you would see them though. We had a dog that had ticks once. You couldn’t see a thing until they sucked blood, but then it just looked like a lump. It was also extremely difficult to remove them as their jaws stayed embedded in the skin (Ie they hung on!). But she only had about three and they didn’t breed. They just got attached to her from long grass.

If they are some kind of tick it’s probably from the hay. And I guess it’s possible your hammy could have blood sucking ticks. But not something I’ve heard of before. You would think you would see something. But also you said there were different types. It would be useful if someone could identify them. How about calling a local university science department and asking if one of the students would come and take a few and identify them! You never know? They might.

But agree if they don’t go after another clean, only paper bedding, no wood - then yes you’ll need to see a vet. Or if you really think they’re from the hamster, see a vet anyway. Take a couple of bugs with you!

I wouldn’t leave the cage without food though. Yes, unfortunately, you’ll need to remove all food and the hoard. But you should have new food that’s been frozen now - so put a handful of that in where the hoard was. They get quite stressed without a hoard. And just change the food in the bowl daily - if there’s any left.

I find it hard to believe they are coming from that little wood house as it’s smooth wood snd such a shame for her to lose her house. However it is possible and maybe soaking it in disinfectant would spoil it (and make it smell). You could bake it - but that might make it smell too. Maybe best to make a little cardboard house for now.

What food are you using? (I still suspect it could be hatching from food - maybe a species that just go dormant when frozen).
Thank you so much for your reply. I truly hope those aren't ticks or anything harmful. My hamster has been super friendly and nice to me and when I've looked online and general problems with hamsters (their hamsters biting, clinging onto them etc) I am extremely grateful that my hamster hasn't done it and it's also cool that he comes out whenever he hears I am nearby and he wants to come onto my hand and is licking my fingers sometimes. I replaced the wooden house with a plastic house now and there's no hay or nothing wood in the cage, except the bedding. They don't sell anything else at my local pet store.
I use Chipsi Classic bedding ( CHIPSI - CHIPSI Classic – the classic small animal litter ) because that's the only thing that they sell. I guess I'll have to order paper bedding online then. There's clearly wood in it as well and my hamster was scratching himself a lot in the store already.
The bugs are different and they don't all look the same. Some are tiny and red, some are black and tiny. I now use versele laga food for mini hamster's. He has been scratching himself from the day 1, but I thought it's a normal hamster behaviour. There are times when he doesn't scratch himself and is completely normal and then when he's eating and then starch scratching himself. I don't see anything in his fur, but his fur is brownish - dark as well, so it might be difficult to identify the bugs, I guess.

It's hard to me to remove all of the food that he has hoarded. It seems kinda cruel, but if it's something I have to do then I'll do it. I really love my hamster and he's super sweet and nice. My friend told me not to get the hamster that I got, because he was scratching himself in the store already, but I had to get him since he was chubby and looking so cute at the store.

His new wooden house it currently in play pen and there are no bugs in there. I just checked his cage and his chewing toys are made of wood, but what are the chances all of the toys were infested?

I'll order paper bedding and see how it goes, I guess. There's still food in my hamster's food bowl and I think he doesn't really like the new food that I got for him.

The worst thing about bringing my hamster to vet would be the weather. It's getting cold outside and I don't want him to get sick. No idea how I'd do that. I'll do another apartment clean when I have days off from work + try the paper bedding.
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Old 10-11-2021, 11:44 AM   #44
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

Originally Posted by Lilafernim View Post
I’ve reread a bit more now and have seen what people have said. And I do agree with what they are saying.

What you could do is completely clean the cage (I know you’ve done this a few times, sorry!) only place plastics or hard materials back so leave any wood toys out as mites can burrow.

Don’t use hay or any bedding like that, for now maybe just use paper bedding or cut up some toilet tissue and don’t put any food in. Just for now feed only food you’ve cleaned. So wash a carrot or some seeds things like this.

I know it seems excessive, but if the bugs are still there then it is very likely they are on or in the hammie somewhere and you need to go vets.
Can I wash all of his food? I usually wash cucumbers etc, but not seeds. I'll have to order paper bedding online, I guess. I have not seen anything on my local pet store.
Thank you for your recommendations. I'll do that. The worst part is the last time I cleaned his cage I made sure it's all clean and I scrubbed real hard with sponge and vinegar.
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Old 10-11-2021, 01:15 PM   #45
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

I definitely think they are ear mites

This is what it says online about them:
“Ear mites are the most common type of mite in hamsters. They can often travel to other parts of the hamster once their numbers become too many. These mites often look like little black dots moving along their fur. You can also sometimes see tiny red mites on hamster skin as the mites are not always the same color.”

This would explain why after you clean, they’re still there as they are inside the hamsters ears.

When I say clean the food, I just mean wash any that don’t crumble under water a rinse to remove eggs from mites.

Also, for paper bedding you can just use chopped up toilet or kitchen roll.

If they are still present after all of this, you should go to the vets. I know what you are saying, but with mites they only reproduce and become worse and there is no commercial cure. I tried online tactics that I found online for my robo, like I said, but the only thing that worked was the vets medication.

Just put a hot water bottle under the carry cage maybe?
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Old 10-11-2021, 05:49 PM   #46
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

I wouldn't wash the food. Freezing it should be fine and you've already done that. Completely understand you don't want to do another full cage clean.

How about seeing the vet first and getting your hamster checked. The usual type of mites are demodex mites and they're too small to see - like a tiny black dot. They wouldn't be as big as the ones you have crawling around. The only way to check for those is if the vet does a skin scraping and looks under the microscope. I think that's unlikely. I don't know much about ear mites but a vet could tell.

So rule out anything coming from your hamster before doing another cage clean maybe. Although you will need to do one at some point now if there are bugs there again.

Obviously they're not coming from the wood house if it's fine in the playpen. The other wood toys could have eggs on that hatch out.

I think one step at a time at the moment as your hamster has had quite a bit of upheaval so far. So if the vet gives the hamster the all clear then you know it's something in the cage. If the vet finds it's something on the hamster then you'll be given treatment for that and can do the cage clean after treatment.
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Old 10-22-2021, 11:30 PM   #47
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
I wouldn't wash the food. Freezing it should be fine and you've already done that. Completely understand you don't want to do another full cage clean.

How about seeing the vet first and getting your hamster checked. The usual type of mites are demodex mites and they're too small to see - like a tiny black dot. They wouldn't be as big as the ones you have crawling around. The only way to check for those is if the vet does a skin scraping and looks under the microscope. I think that's unlikely. I don't know much about ear mites but a vet could tell.

So rule out anything coming from your hamster before doing another cage clean maybe. Although you will need to do one at some point now if there are bugs there again.

Obviously they're not coming from the wood house if it's fine in the playpen. The other wood toys could have eggs on that hatch out.

I think one step at a time at the moment as your hamster has had quite a bit of upheaval so far. So if the vet gives the hamster the all clear then you know it's something in the cage. If the vet finds it's something on the hamster then you'll be given treatment for that and can do the cage clean after treatment.
Changed the bedding to a paper bedding, before that I cleaned the cage of course and put new food in it and today I saw bugs again. This time he decided to build his nest underground, which makes it more difficult for me to say how many bugs there are. The bugs are still in his nest and there are different kind of bugs. Little red ones and little black ones.
Still no idea what bugs they are, but the good news is that someone else checked them for me as well and my hamster kept looking at me and coming towards me, while not paying any attention to the other person at all, thus I think we have formed an emotional bond. I'll clean my apartment today again.

I was told the bugs could come from anywhere, for example from the window or really, anywhere, but I haven't seen bugs anywhere else but the hamster's cage.

Not sure how I'll bring him to the vet as it's kinda cold outside too. I should've done it in Summer. Also, I might give my hamster some cheese, but I am still very hesitant. I don't want him to die, but yeah, the bugs might be from anywhere. I haven't seen any on my hamster though. I'm kinda hoping he just kills the bugs when he sees them.
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Old 10-24-2021, 10:43 AM   #48
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

I'll go to the vet as soon as possible. My friend promised to come with me to translate (since I live & work in a foreign country and don't speak the native language of the country and many people here don't speak English.
My hamster is squeaking quietly and has a bald spot.

Untitled - YouTube

You can the bald spot & you can hear squeaking on the video (he's squeaking very quietly). Never heard such quiet squeaks.
He's still very friendly.

Edit: If my hamster dies I don't think I'll get another hamster. I have realised I don't know anything about hamsters and cats and dogs (my previous pets) have been easier to handle.
I can touch my hamster and I was petting him and I didn't notice any bugs, but he keeps moving a lot even in my hand and I don't want to forcefully hold him still. I haven't noticed bugs anywhere else and I don't know how to take pictures of the bugs. They're too small and all you'd kinda see are small black and red dots and they the pictures are very foggy. + they keep moving Now that I've cleaned the cage is clean again. I cleaned my apartment yesterday and I know hamsters don't like deep cleaning, but it's difficult to spot clean and I haven't managed to toilet train him yet. I've read online that it's impossible to toilet train an old hamster, but I have no idea how old mine is. I really do love my hamster, even though I'm a bad owner (unfortunately not the worst one), but yeah…I mean my hamster is probably happy with me, because whenever somebody visits me my hamster doesn't pay any attention to them and keeps looking at me and coming right at me, which I wouldn't have expected from a hamster. He probably doesn't hate me, since he hasn't bitten me nor doesn't hide from me. The thing is I just don't know how to take care of a hamster. I didn't expect it to be so difficult. I bet we're both stressed out. I thought hamsters are very easy to take care of and handle (which is probably a myth). I just want him to be happy, but I have no idea how to make him happy.

Last edited by ShadowNinjaHamster; 10-24-2021 at 10:56 AM.
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Old 10-25-2021, 04:39 PM   #49
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

Hi. They are very easy to take care of x. You have just been very unlucky with these bugs. I think the only thing to do now is see a vet and discuss it. And have the hamster checked. I looked at the video and can’t see a bald spot or hear any squeaking - it looks like he’s eating something and that is making a noise - him eating - something crunchy?

Some hamsters are more vocal than others. It’s lovely that he is more tame and recognising you. It’s true hamsters often don’t like being still and may not sit on you for long. A Syrian hamster is usually better as a first hamster. They are bigger and easier to hold and handle. And some can be quite cuddly - although their personalities vary.
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Old 10-27-2021, 02:08 PM   #50
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Default Re: I think my hamster has some health issues? I want to confirm

I agree with Serendipity, it sounds like they’re just eating something maybe? Also I noticed there were no bugs in the video as far as I can see, so whatever they are they can’t be really bad.

I hope the visit to the vets went okay. I wouldn’t put yourself down either, owning any pet is a learning process but as long as you do care about them then that’s all that really counts. You messaged on here which shows you care and you get on with your hamster well. I’m sure a hammie would rather be in a home where it’s loved than one where it’s forgotten. Don’t blame yourself for these things either, sometimes they just happen and you have done all you can now.
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