wet tail?
Hello hamster friends, My little Victoria has been recovering from a respiratory infection. Still doing the antibiotics - 0.12 ml per night. nearly finished them, and she has definitely turned into an old girl, but has been doing hamster things - searching for food bringing it back, exploring etc. albeit with less energy and a bit wobbly sometimes. I also make 'packed lunches' for her which she eats day and night - yoghurt, porridge, wheetabix, scrambled egg, oats. bits of veg/apple. but she has been sleeping more and more over the past few days. She only drinks water when I hold it while she is in her bed. Today, I noticed that her tail is wet underneath. I have wiped it, which she did not like. Anything else I can do? she is obviously already on antibiotics! I will take her to the vets tomorrow, but any advice to help her feel more comfortable tonight? She was not interested in water when I offered it today. Might have to syringe feed her some when I do antibiotics.
Thank you for your help.