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Old 01-24-2021, 09:25 AM   #1
Newborn Pup
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Default Tips for keeping my hamster warm?

Since it's getting very cold over here, I'm a little bit worried about my hamster (Syrian) going into torpor. My heating is set to not go below 16ºC (60ºF), however this is costing us a fair bit of money which is where the issues start. He has about 5 or 6 inches of paper bedding, and has a blanket covering 1/2 of his cage during the day. Is there anything else I can do to keep him warm? Thank you
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Old 01-24-2021, 11:30 AM   #2
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Tips for keeping my hamster warm?

We have an oil filled heater that has a timer and a thermostat. So instead of leaving all the heating on I just leave this heater on in the room the hamster is. I found the thermostat is more effective than setting a timer. I leave it on 20 degrees. It seems to run a bit cold so doesn’t come on until it is below 20 degrees. But goes off again when the room
Is about 18 degrees.

So I leave that on all night (-8 here the other day!) and it prevents the room temp dropping too low. A cheaper way than leaving the hearing on on the whole house probably.

The heater itself was not cheap to buy though. We had a little one at first and that was fine in a small ish bedroom but in the lounge with high ceilings it had no effect at all. Even when in full all the time. So we got the bigger one. And now use that as our main radiator in that room and turn the ch radiator off in that room.

It’s not cheap but has a 10 year guarantee and the company replace them with a new one if it doesn’t last 10 years! (Hence I kept the box!).
It also has a safety cut out so I don’t worry about leaving it switched on at night.

De'Longhi TRDX40820E Oil Filled Radiator, Multicolour: Kitchen & Home

During the day it would save you leaving the central heating on as well. It’ll soon be spring! But right now it can get sub zero at night. In autumn I had the thermostat set to 16 degrees and it rarely came on as it rarely got below that indoors. So it’s just in case it gets really cold.

You can also get snuggle safe microwave pet water bottles to put under the cage. But again I didn’t find that very effect in a draughty fair sized room. I had mine attached to the side of the cage using a clip on towel holder and the snugglesafd just sat in that about a couple of inches away from the bars.

If the room temperature is freezing that won’t be enough really. Some people have used a heat lamp which might be cheaper to run - not too close to the cage. But ideally just keep the room at a reasonable temperature.
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Old 01-24-2021, 03:25 PM   #3
Ria P
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Default Re: Tips for keeping my hamster warm?

I bought thick thermal lined curtains and they made quite a difference and move cages away from windows in the winter.
You could also line halfway up the inside of the cage with boredom breaker mats to keep drafts out.
Hamsters go into their houses or burrow themselves in when it gets cold. A Syrian needs a big house to build a big nest in. I use the inexpensive Ferplast guinea pig houses and leave big heaps of torn into strips plain white toilet paper out for nesting material.
My late Syrian Henry used to insulate the inside walls of his house with an inch thick layer of paper. Hamsters are quite creative in keeping the cold out when given the right kind of supplies.

Last edited by Ria P; 01-24-2021 at 04:45 PM.
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Old 01-24-2021, 04:08 PM   #4
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Tips for keeping my hamster warm?

Ours insulate the outside of the house as well . Piling substrate up against it.
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bedding, bit, hamster, paper, warm

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