Respiratory Issue/Antibiotic Injection? Too much?
My female Syrian has not been herself the past week. She's usually a very active hamster and runs every night. I noticed she stopped running some nights and kept waking up with sticky eyes and gunk around them. I tried using a saline solution to wipe it away thinking it's just some typical crust from sleeping, but it kept happening and given her lethargy, I decided to take her to the vet for a checkup. The vet determined she is possibly dealing with a respiratory infection. The vet gave her 3 injections. Antibiotic/anti-inflammatory/B-vitamin. It seemed like a lot and I felt so horrible, but Slinky seemed to be doing better was more active when we got home. However, the vet wants me to come back for 4 more days for an antibiotic injection.
Whenever I see sick hamsters online and in groups, I usually see oral antibiotics administered. I do live in Serbia, so I'm not sure if it's different. Sadly, we have a limited choice of exotic vets. Someone informed me on a Facebook hamster group that injections are too excessive for a respiratory illness and it's too hard on them and will do more harm than good. Should I insist to switch to oral antibiotics from here on out? I don't want to harm my hamster with all these pokes.