Originally Posted by Ria P
Petite, please refresh my ailing memory: did you get a hamster from the mainland or did you travel over yourself to get one?
I haven't got one yet! I'm booked on the ferry tomorrow to see what they have in Inverness. Having rung around, there seems to be a shortage of Russian dwarf females, and I have a pink wheel, pink carrier, and pink flying saucer! OH says a male wouldn't mind that, but I'm not sure that I wouldn't mind. I think I read somewhere that male pee has more odour than female, which is another reason for wanting a girl. I'm not sure if that's true, but no-one has one a female anyway. I didn't ask about female robos, though; there might be one of those somewhere.
I have one of those small dome-shaped carriers which just about takes a hamster and some bedding but not much else. Would that be big enough to bring a hammy home in (around 4 hours in car, ferry, and queue for ferry, or would I be better buying a carrier while I'm there that is a bit more capacious?
Pets at Home had some female Russian Dwarfs a couple of days ago, but wouldn't reserve one for me for any reason whatsoever, even though I explained we were travelling a long way to get it, and even though my last one died and I've been waiting 2 months. And now they don't have any.
Wish me luck.