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Old 04-28-2019, 11:06 PM   #1
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Default Should I euthanize?

My dwarf at the age of 1 year and 3 monts has a tumor that I first noticed in the beginning of October last year. After talking to a few vets I was informed that surgery would be very risky, since vets in my country don't really deal with surgery on hamsters, so I was told to just give her metacam if she started to seem like she was in pain.

Since then her tumor have gotten very big, but she hasn't shown any signs of being in pain. But 3 days ago, on Friday, she suddenly seemed very ill. She was very sleepy and not acting herself, and her eyes were infected. I've given her metacam and cleaned her eyes, and today she seems like she's feeling better. She's moving around more, but I see a big change in how she moves. She falls over alot, and she is still sleepy, just not as much as she was. But the biggest thing is that she can't eat on her own. She really tries, but for some reason she can't. Her teeth seem fine, but I wonder if it's because the tumor, located on the right side of her chest, is so big that it somehow stops her from being able to eat.

So I don't really know what to do. A part of me is thinking that I don't want to hold on to her for so long that she really starts to suffer, but the other part of me is so scared of ending her life too soon, and I'm thinking I could feed her mashed food and give her some more time. I would hate for her to have to suffer just because I'm too scared of letting her go, but it's also horrible if i take her away when she could have had a few more weeks.

Does anyone have some advice for me?
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Old 04-29-2019, 01:21 AM   #2
Ria P
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

Imagine how you would feel if you were ill and hungry, with a bowl of food in front of you but unable to eat. I know what i would do but the decision is yours. Yes, you can try babyfood to see if she's able to swallow it but without know the answer. I really feel for you, it must be so hard to decide what is for the best for your hamster.
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Old 04-29-2019, 03:34 AM   #3
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

It does sound as if she is in pain now and unable to do hamstery things. It is the greatest gift to set them free and I always feel a day too soon is better than a minute too late when they may suffer.
My choice would be to let her fly free knowing you have tried your best and she has had a long life much loved.
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Old 04-29-2019, 03:35 AM   #4
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

It is very difficult to decide these things. Usually the decision is a gut feeling but generally it is about if they still enjoy doing hamstery things and still want to eat and drink.

I have a similar issue with a dwarf hamster (robo) who has a tumour that is getting bigger, and is on Metacam. He currently still enjoys doing all his normal activities and is very keen on his food and his wheel but the lump does affect his movement slightly - although he seems quite happy.

Your hammy seems a stage further on. When you say she tries to eat on her own but can't, is this because she can't get to the food bowl, or because she is too weak to eat? To be honest it does sound like she is nearing her time.

If you can move her food and water very close to her nest, so she can reach them, it may help, but also giving soft food, as well as the hamster mix, should help her as she can lick it. Baby food is a good option.

When our last Syrian was at this kind of stage I put three little food dishes near his nest. His usual one with dry hamster mix (push it down in the substrate so the edge isn't too high), and I used two baby food jar lids as extra little dishes so they fitted easily near the nest entrance. One with a bit of baby food in and the other with some softened hamster mix. To soften the hamster mix put it in the little dish and pour a tiny amount of boiled water on it, then leave it to cool and it should go soft and mushy (but not too mushy). But still put the dry mix out as well.

At this stage just give them whatever they like and enjoy - a bit of mashed banana (it goes brown quick though! And don't add lemon juice as that could cause discomfort - acidic). Even a bit of cake! Or mashed potato or puree'd meat. Our robo loves meaty dog food!

The fact that your hammy seems better after the Metacam shows it is helping. Could you phone your vet and ask if you can a) increase the dose slightly or b) give the same dose twice a day? It may be wearing off too quickly.

That way your hammy will be comfortable and able to eat if they want.

The time may come though when she doesn't want to eat and is suffering, not eating and unable to move, and I think that is the time to help her on her way, and she may give you a sign.

But it does sound like your hammy is close to the end and it's a difficult to know whether to stress them with a trip to the vets to be helped on the way, or whether to wait a bit. I think time, and your hamster, will tell you in the next day.

But if you feel it is the right thing to do now, then it probably is.

Apologies - I posted at the same time as Souffle xxx
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Old 04-29-2019, 05:27 AM   #5
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

It does sound like its her time unfortunately. I recently had to make the same decision for my Robo Sundae, it was honestly one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but now he’s not in pain and can run free on little hamventures with his friends at the bridge.

continue the metacam and try to feed her baby food/porridge until its her time so that she’s as comfortable as possible x
<3 Sunflower Custard, Bigfoot, Petal, Stormy, Flurry, Vanilla <3
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Old 04-29-2019, 09:34 AM   #6
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

Originally Posted by Ria P View Post
Imagine how you would feel if you were ill and hungry, with a bowl of food in front of you but unable to eat. I know what i would do but the decision is yours. Yes, you can try babyfood to see if she's able to swallow it but without know the answer. I really feel for you, it must be so hard to decide what is for the best for your hamster.
Originally Posted by souffle View Post
It does sound as if she is in pain now and unable to do hamstery things. It is the greatest gift to set them free and I always feel a day too soon is better than a minute too late when they may suffer.
My choice would be to let her fly free knowing you have tried your best and she has had a long life much loved.
Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
It is very difficult to decide these things. Usually the decision is a gut feeling but generally it is about if they still enjoy doing hamstery things and still want to eat and drink.

I have a similar issue with a dwarf hamster (robo) who has a tumour that is getting bigger, and is on Metacam. He currently still enjoys doing all his normal activities and is very keen on his food and his wheel but the lump does affect his movement slightly - although he seems quite happy.

Your hammy seems a stage further on. When you say she tries to eat on her own but can't, is this because she can't get to the food bowl, or because she is too weak to eat? To be honest it does sound like she is nearing her time.

If you can move her food and water very close to her nest, so she can reach them, it may help, but also giving soft food, as well as the hamster mix, should help her as she can lick it. Baby food is a good option.

When our last Syrian was at this kind of stage I put three little food dishes near his nest. His usual one with dry hamster mix (push it down in the substrate so the edge isn't too high), and I used two baby food jar lids as extra little dishes so they fitted easily near the nest entrance. One with a bit of baby food in and the other with some softened hamster mix. To soften the hamster mix put it in the little dish and pour a tiny amount of boiled water on it, then leave it to cool and it should go soft and mushy (but not too mushy). But still put the dry mix out as well.

At this stage just give them whatever they like and enjoy - a bit of mashed banana (it goes brown quick though! And don't add lemon juice as that could cause discomfort - acidic). Even a bit of cake! Or mashed potato or puree'd meat. Our robo loves meaty dog food!

The fact that your hammy seems better after the Metacam shows it is helping. Could you phone your vet and ask if you can a) increase the dose slightly or b) give the same dose twice a day? It may be wearing off too quickly.

That way your hammy will be comfortable and able to eat if they want.

The time may come though when she doesn't want to eat and is suffering, not eating and unable to move, and I think that is the time to help her on her way, and she may give you a sign.

But it does sound like your hammy is close to the end and it's a difficult to know whether to stress them with a trip to the vets to be helped on the way, or whether to wait a bit. I think time, and your hamster, will tell you in the next day.

But if you feel it is the right thing to do now, then it probably is.

Apologies - I posted at the same time as Souffle xxx
Originally Posted by alpacassei View Post
It does sound like its her time unfortunately. I recently had to make the same decision for my Robo Sundae, it was honestly one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but now he’s not in pain and can run free on little hamventures with his friends at the bridge.

continue the metacam and try to feed her baby food/porridge until its her time so that she’s as comfortable as possible x
Thank you so much for all your answers <3

To clarify, she does want to eat, but she can't. I'm not sure why, because she's moving around now, she even tried to use her wheel a bit today, but for some reason she can't chew her food. She tries really hard, but she just doesn't seem to be able to take bites. I've tried with both softer and harder food, but she eventually just gives up in frustration. I've just given her some babyfood now, and she basically threw herself over it and ate it all up, so I imagine she must have been very hungry.

I know I could keep feeding her like this, but i know it's not a longterm fix. It's just so hard, my other hamster had to be put down last week, for the very same reason (although she was almost 2 years old). And I felt so guilty after it, like I somehow should have been able to do something more for her.
I guess it's just really hard when you have to be the one to decide. The vet did assure me that I was doing the right thing, but still.

I've made an appointment with the vets tomorrow to look at her and give their thoughts on it, and if they say they feel it's best to let her go I'll do that.

It would have been so much easier if she wasn't moving around and stuff, because that maked me feel like maybe I'm taking her away before her time.

Sorry, I just had to air my thoughts and feelings a bit. Last week I said that I hope I never have to make a choice like this ever again, and then, here I am again
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Old 04-29-2019, 10:25 AM   #7
Ria P
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

Don't apologise for airing your feelings, we all do and you are amongst likeminded people who understand. When you said that your hamster tried but couldn't eat even though her teeth were ok i thought that the tumor was constricting her gullet so she couldn't swallow. I'm glad she ate the babyfood so she's no longer hungry. Maybe she has an infection in her mouth as well as her eyes. The vet should be able to tell you tomorrow and you'll have to take it from there. No point in me saying not to feel guilty because its part of human nature to feel guilty even without a justified reason. You are still grieving for your other hamster and probably more emotional than usually but there's only so much we can do for our pets and when its time to let go we do it out of kindness. Keep this in mind and feel free to share your thoughts with us.
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Old 04-29-2019, 11:42 AM   #8
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

Good luck at the vets tomorrow. Good that she can eat baby food - that suggests she can swallow and it is chewing that is the issue. That could be a stage of her illness - eg nerves or pain in her jaw when chewing.

I know what you mean when they still enjoy some things. Hopefully the vet will be able to suggest the best way forward. Additional pain relief and baby food may be the way for a while, but it depends if the frustration of not being able to chew is outweighed by her enjoyment of the baby food.
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Old 04-30-2019, 01:38 AM   #9
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

Originally Posted by Ria P View Post
Don't apologise for airing your feelings, we all do and you are amongst likeminded people who understand. When you said that your hamster tried but couldn't eat even though her teeth were ok i thought that the tumor was constricting her gullet so she couldn't swallow. I'm glad she ate the babyfood so she's no longer hungry. Maybe she has an infection in her mouth as well as her eyes. The vet should be able to tell you tomorrow and you'll have to take it from there. No point in me saying not to feel guilty because its part of human nature to feel guilty even without a justified reason. You are still grieving for your other hamster and probably more emotional than usually but there's only so much we can do for our pets and when its time to let go we do it out of kindness. Keep this in mind and feel free to share your thoughts with us.
Thank you <3 It's been two very sad weeks, so it's nice to actually talk to people who understand and don't give the usual "it's just a hamster" response. I know I shouldn't feel guilty, and I'm trying to think that hamsters probably don't look at life the same way we do, like wanting to live at any cost. But I'll see what the vet says today and take it from there. But I'm really nervous :/

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
Good luck at the vets tomorrow. Good that she can eat baby food - that suggests she can swallow and it is chewing that is the issue. That could be a stage of her illness - eg nerves or pain in her jaw when chewing.

I know what you mean when they still enjoy some things. Hopefully the vet will be able to suggest the best way forward. Additional pain relief and baby food may be the way for a while, but it depends if the frustration of not being able to chew is outweighed by her enjoyment of the baby food.
Thank you <3

I gave her a bit bigger dose of metacam last night, and today she's almost back to normal, apart from her back being very hunched from the tumor on her chest. It even seems like she's been able to eat a little bit on her own, so I'm happy about that. But she's also started to seem really eager to get out of her cage (her cage is 1007 square inches), and she's never been like that before. So I don't know what's happening to her.

Hopefully the vets can help <3
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Old 04-30-2019, 02:17 AM   #10
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Default Re: Should I euthanize?

It sounds as if the Metacam relieves the pain. It is annoying when people say "It's just a hamster" because they are living creatures and beloved pets. They may be small but they bond with us and become family pets. I believe they want to live life to the full and usually give a sign when they are ready to give up. I think all living things have an instinct to live and survive. It is a difficult choice between continuing palliative care (pain relief so they can carry on as normal, hopefully to a peaceful end) and whether to help them on their way.

If she is mobile and enjoy her cage and food, with pain relief, that suggests she is not ready to go. She may be stressed by the vet visit for a few days afterwards so see how she goes. I would definitely ask the vet about Metacam dosage and what it can be increased to or whether the dose can be split.

I have a similar dilemma with our robo. His lumps are affecting his mobility but he very much enjoys his food.
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big, tumor, thinking, give, metacam, pain, shes, suffer, year, scared, part, eat, eyes, surgery, vets, sleepy, side, chest, stops, advice, reason, teeth, located, fine, long

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