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Old 08-08-2024, 08:58 AM   #1
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2024
Posts: 5
Default Hamster died and my other hamster is she missing my hamster that died

Hi I got two Syrian hamster both girls both in separate cages next to each other my hamster called Charlie died on Tuesday at 855 pm the 6 th of august and the other hamster is called Georgia well we woke up to Charlie was staggering unable to walk Charlie was 20 months old she had Cushings diease all her fur was near enough gone so
I picked her up on Tuesday morning and she was in my arms she couldn’t even lift her head she tried and was trying stand but every time she tried push her foot it was like she just had no energy to do so so I kept her in my arms four couple of hours and she was cold to the touch so I got her favourite blanket to keep her warm n she just slept all day next to me with her wrapped in her blanket she just slept every time she tried to move she go on her side it was like she just couldn’t stand bless her she was my first hamster and so we was my husband n me kept checking her every few mins and she was fine then one minute later she had passed I never thought I’d cry so much it felt like losing a member of the family she had a lot to deal with she had Cushings so she was on medication for it so it had to be given every morning and plus she was an old hamster but my other hamster Georgia since Charlie passed she won’t come out of her house normally around 7 -8 pm she’s normally out of her house running round her cage but since Charlie died she normally when I open her cage give her food n that she normally comes running but now she doesn’t come out she poke her nose out n then take the food n go back in to her house could she be missing Charlie I worried
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Old 08-09-2024, 04:36 PM   #2
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Dec 2023
Location: Cheshire, UK
Posts: 9
Default Re: Hamster died and my other hamster is she missing my hamster that died

im sorry for your loss, i lost my syrian a month ago she was 2 and a half years old called Nibbles, i too cried a lot after she passed i feel like they are 100% part of the family i treat all my pets like they're my children. i honestly dont think your other hammy is missing the one that passed. there could be something else going on. she could just be cold and want to stay in bed or she could be getting old and have less energy to go exploring. i would recommend doing a health check when you get a chance to make sure she's still looking well (not hurt her legs at all limiting movement, no lumps or bumps, no overgrown teeth causing pain...) if she's eating and drinking i wouldnt worry to much about it. if it does start concerning you then you could book an appointment at your local vets for a checkup to make sure all is well
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charlie, cushings, died, hamster, house

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