Re: James and his new best friend having a night snack
Introducing a new ham is always a very risky thing to do especially if you don't have much experience with hamsters but I don't understand why you have put a female in with your male, are you planning on breeding? Breeding can be very dangerous for hybrids as either mum or pups can have a lot of potential problems.
If you have no experience of breeding then I would suggest you separate them as soon as possible so both can remain safe & healthy.
Slave to Zak.
Always loved, never forgotten, forever in my heart
T'ycor, Ziggy, Zephyr, Flynt, Mickle, Little Whisp, Zen, Zeki, Tinwë, Zylvan, Míriel, Calyanwë, Gusto & Meri ❤️