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Old 08-21-2020, 02:31 PM   #1
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 9
Default I’m feeling guilty.

Hello. So, a little bit of back ground. I have a syrian hamster called Bear, and A dwarf called Febe. And i’m just really confused. I’ve owned many hamsters in the past, but i really struggle to know this. How often should you really take them out? I say hello to them and give them a clap everyday, but how often should i take them in the playpen? Bear comes out almost every night, and my hamster febe varies. But, there is times where i just don’t want to do it every night, but i do it as i feel really really guilty if i don’t. for example, it’s currently 22:30 and Febe isn’t up yet, but in the morning i took her out on my hands and fav ever some seeds. And i cleaned out bear earlier and he was out in his pen, but none of it feels enough. I really enjoy taking them out, but as of lately i’ve become pretty stressed out if i miss a certain day due to being busy, so i’m just asking what’s recommended? Do you need to play with them every night in the play pen? I will take them out and clap them every night, of course as i want to, i’m just getting a tad stressed and just wondered how often everyone else takes them out in the play pen? (keep in mind, i adore taking them out, but it’s almost 11pm and febe isn’t up, and she didn’t come out the last few days due to getting a new cage, so i’m really not sure what to do! thanks &#128517
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Old 08-21-2020, 04:20 PM   #2
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

Hello. First thing is if Febe has a new cage she will need to be left alone for 2 or 3 days anyway, settling in time - it can be a massive change and stress them a bit so they need about 2 weeks to fully adjust - during that time she could come out if she shows signs of wanting to come out, but don't clean or move things around for that two weeks.

Second thing is - no generally they don't need to be out in a playpen every night - but some of how much they need out of cage time comes down to the type of cage they're in. A hamster in a smaller cage will probably need a lot more out of cage time than a hamster in a larger cage (although some of that also depends on personality).

What cage is Bear in? Our Syrians generally have wanted to come out every 2 to 3 nights (but in good sized cages). I had one who didn't want to come out at all but I still got him out every few days so he kept being used to being handled and being tame, and once out he enjoyed the time anyway.
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Old 08-21-2020, 04:26 PM   #3
Newborn Pup
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

Thanks for letting me know that about Febe! I did think she would be stressed out and she is when cleaned out, but since it was a upgrade she’s a lot happier and out more! She is in the zooplus Alaska hamster cage, while bear is in a bin cage, basically the same since by a few cm, so both meeting the UK requirements.
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Old 08-22-2020, 02:34 AM   #4
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

Does Bear want to come out every night? I am just wondering if he might be better in a cage rather than bin cage - they can see more of the world and have front access. Ours have come to the cage door when wanting to come out and a front entrance like the Alaska has allows for more interaction whether you’re letting him out or not. Just a thought although of course the bin will have mesh panels. Which is similar but top entrance.
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Old 08-22-2020, 04:42 AM   #5
Newborn Pup
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

To be honest, i think bear wants to come out every night? I honestly just take him out, depending on the day from 30-70 minutes and he just goes on his wheel. I always have him on my lap for 10+ minutes, as he’s a very chilled out boy who just loves claps. There is days where i can tell he just doesn’t want to come out, but more often than not i take him out. But the thing is with bear, he can actually escape the playpen. But he never ever chooses to, so i’m assuming he likes it?( i only know he can as i sometimes free rome him in my room and use the playpen as a blocker and he just climbed over it, but he isn’t a fan of free rome due to not actually knowing what to do., and no matter matter what always goes to clime up the radiator(ALWAYS OFF). I’ve rambled. anyways, I have actually wanted to get bear the alaska, unfortunately i’m only 15 and not able to get a job, so i only earn £5 a week from house chores. I had to upgrade Febe as it was shamefully under the minimum. So, I know i will eventually get Bear the Alaska, but as of right now since it’s past the minimum it’s alright. I also wanted to ask this. Are Syrian hamsters just ungrateful animals? I’ve bought him countless of stuff. Many beds, toys, tubes, treats and he still doesn’t really use them. Well, he uses his wheel 24/7. He doesn’t sleep in any hides, which are full of pet safe bedding. Ahh i feel like such a bad owner.
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Old 08-22-2020, 10:33 AM   #6
Ria P
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

Syrian hamsters aren't ungrateful animals at all but a lot of the toys they sell in pet shops are sold to make money and often of no use to a hamster.
You've mentioned pet safe bedding. Is that the fluffy cotton wool type which isn't safe for hamsters? What hamsters really like for bedding is plain white toilet paper torn into strips.

I would stop feeling guilty and listen to your hamsters more.

If Bear doesn't ask to come out then don't take him out and have a guilt free break. Or only take him out for a clap and cuddle on your lap while you watch the telly. He may not want time in the playpen every evening.

If Febe hasn't come out to play by the time you want to go to bed then go to bed. Just leave her food out, change her water and let her enjoy her own company if that's what she wants that evening.

I have five hamsters and only one asks to come out of her cage two or three times a week. Two don't want to come out at all, one maybe once every two weeks and another i'm just taming so don't know about him yet.

Another thing you can do is keep checking Gumtree. I've recently got a Hamster Heaven for free and sometimes good cages come up very reasonably priced.
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Old 08-22-2020, 11:26 AM   #7
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

Good advice from Ria there . I am fascinated by all thus clapping referred to lol - by you and Ria - assume its “napping “?

Yes keep a look out on eBay and gumtree for a used Hamster Heaven or Alaska cage. Although a used Hamster Heaven can be almost as much as a new Alaska.

With regards hamsters and toys. Hamsters are only really interested in things that are edible or things that are dark or cosy to hide in . There are a lot of hamster toys that are a bit pointless or too small for a Syrian even but - although they may ignore them they like to know they are there - because it’s familiar and part of their set up. I had one hamster who would glare at you and have a real stress if I moved anything even a few millimetres! The toys are part of the furniture. So chew sticks with food stuck on go down well and so do tunnels (Pringles tubes are a good size for a Syrian).

They often ignore hides for nesting if they aren’t big enough or aren’t dark inside but they may like to sit in the smaller ones. What goes down really well
Is a largeish house that’s open underneath and sat on top of the substrate- and dark inside. It’s effectively a nesting box. A shoebox house is ideal. Cut the base out of the shoe box, cut a hole for a door in one of the long sides - at one end (means the other end is darker). The lid makes a lift off roof - so you can check inside if needed without having to take the house out - so the best stays in tact and doesn’t fall apart. They are quite precious about their nests.

If you have a bendy stick bridge, put that over the house entrance hole - it makes it nice and dark inside the house and also makes a ramp up onto the house roof so that’s another level too.

I can almost guarantee he would move in and build a nest in there! Especially if you put a bit of cucumber or cheese inside to tempt him in. It’s best to put the nesting material in the cage in a pile - but not actually inside a house. They like to forage for it and pouch it and take it to the nesting area. Keeps them busy as well!

Ria is right - no fluff bedding - plain white toilet paper torn into strips is best and they like pouching it as well and building a cosy nest with it.

If the house is big enough you can fit a litter tray inside as well )the back corner opposite the entrance) and they usually use it.

A litter tray is the best purchase you can make IMH. Corner plastic dish that you put chinchilla sand in. They use it to pee in and it means there is much less need to do clean outs. So you save on substrate and the hamster gets less stress.

The other reason the shoebox house (or similar) works well is they can bury hoards under their nest (and they tend to stay dry unless pee’d on sale better ventilation) and can burrow down a bit in the substrate as well. Some will even tunnel under the house in and out. You need at least 3 to 4” substrate - but with a litter tray it lasts longer so you use less.

Sorry if you already know half of that .
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Old 08-22-2020, 11:54 AM   #8
Ria P
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

Clapping is stroking, lol.
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Old 08-22-2020, 12:45 PM   #9
Newborn Pup
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

Thank you so much for replying! Yes, i use toilet paper shred as bedding, and also have spread pet shop bedding. He’s had a lot of hides, such as fluffy, hard, a diy tissue paper box, many cardbored ones, but i do in fact have a bendy bridge so i’ll try tonight with putting that over his cage! Even though he doesn’t sleep in them, i always keep 2-3 in the cage for him. I have tried a lot of toys, but my pet shop is extremely poor when it comes to hamster stuff, so the best thing that works is Getting a chew and mixing a little flour and water and sticking it to his toys, he loves that! I bought him a extending tunnel today. so i’ll see if he goes in that. Thanks very much for all the help. I’ll definitely be checking out gumtree and facebook market place for a new cage, as i’d definitely like a similar cage for Bear.
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Old 08-22-2020, 01:35 PM   #10
Ria P
House of Hamsters
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Default Re: I’m feeling guilty.

Oh yes! Forgot to mention a Whimzee dog chew. Hamsters like those. I get the xs or s toothbrushes.
By the sounds of it, you're doing alright looking after your pets and your hamsters should be well happy.
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i’m, night, febe, play, pen, bear, stressed, due, clap, don’t, isn’t, taking, it’s, called, guilty, i’ve, hamster, what’s, busy, recommended, day, bit, enjoy, pretty, miss

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