Me and my nico are close and only really likes me and my boyfriend touching him, anyone else and he gets really stressed.
Some signs of him acting weird were:
I woke up to him scratching the bottom of his plastic sleeping house with his teeth, this got me major worried!! especially as it wasn't just once (he's got lots of wood to naw on?)
He hasn't been on his wheel during the night for about 3 nights now.
I always have our play time around the same time each evening where we sit/play and he'll go into his ball for awhile, but when I open the cage he ignores the ball and hides tissue over himself.
He has slowly stopped coming for the treats I hide around the cage, and I haven't seen him when i'm in come down for some water.
He seems to just want to stay in his plastic hut all day and all night...
I had let my friends sister pet him in bed and he didn't like it all, he started chattering and did the body twist they do as warning and I calmed him and told her to stop. Do you think it caused it? Is he ill???