IDK why but I thought Id share. Over having hamsters for a few years a lot of accidents happened. XD Here are some of the worst (and some are funny) accidents that happened.
Well first of all peanut is so fast and gets lost around my sisters room every once in a while. But since my sisters room isnt huge we always find her.
Once she got lost for over an hour!
And once (just a little while after we got her) for some reason I was holding her in the bathroom while my sister was washing her hands and the sink was full of water...then I dropped her/she jumped into the water!!! When she came out she was soaking wet and looked like a rat! Okay I felt really bad afterwords but I was really scared of her and my sister handed her to me and I freaked and dropped her. Uch, I felt like such a terrible hamster owner after that and I swore to myself Id never do anything like that again (i felt soo bad, but I guess I deserved to feel bad cause I dropped her in the water AND on the floor! Poor thing!!!)
P.S. She kind of jumped out of my hands...shoulda been more careful. AFter that I dried her off and she didnt get soapy.
And just today I stepped on her with part of my foot...
*sigh* great owner right? XD
Phillip:This one is sad. We didnt put the cage together right and he got lost outside and we didnt find him
Lost her on her first day here.
Lol anyone else have something you regret doing with your hamsters?