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Old 12-25-2023, 08:40 AM   #1
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Dec 2023
Location: South Africa
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Exclamation Need advice on diet ASAP pls

I recently got a hybrid dwarf hamster that i named Sploot. I was very misinformed so she had a pretty small cage and shallow bedding but I’m getting her a proper aquarium tank tomorrow.
I also got her a generic hamster mix at the pet shop that they said were ok for any hamster but it consists of mostly (<80%) sunflower seeds, some millet, dried fruit pieces and typical pellets. Yesterday I stumbled on this forum and learned that her diet was wrong so i did as much research as possible (didnt even get sleep lol)
I gave her a new mix a few hours ago that i made at home. It’s a mix of plain uncooked white rice, uncooked bulgar wheat (like couscous but bigger),very few sunflower seeds,, one small raisin, small piece of carrot, fresh parsley, tiny pinch of salt, the pellets, sesame and dried herbs (oregano, parsley, thyme). I plan to cook an egg closer to night and a piece of plain unseasoned chicken to give her some choice and variety.
Any advice on anything is HUGELY appreciated but I especially need advice on the diet

I put some food in a little area as a constant food source but I scattered the dried herbs, sesame seeds, some millet and maybe 3 pieces of corn.
Some of her preferences: sunflower seeds, sesame, carrot, raisin
Some of her dislikes: fresh parsley, pellets
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Old 12-27-2023, 01:19 PM   #2
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: Need advice on diet ASAP pls

I'm afraid I don't know much about home-made mixes, as I'm in the UK where we generally have a range of good pre-made mixes. It's also been a long while since I had hybrids myself, but keeping a low-sugar diet is important, so perhaps remove the raisin and carrot, as they're high in sugar. Broccoli and other low-sugar veg should be good, though.

What I would suggest is having a look at the ingredients of the mixes recommended here (such as this hybrid dwarf hamster mix from Rodipet), and look at the threads posted here in the past (like this one) about home made mixes. Be advised that home-made mixes require a lot of research to be done to get the right nutrients, and can be expensive, so even in those threads people say to use pre-made mixes.

One thing I do remember is that fenugreek seeds can be given to hybrids, although probably just as a treat (maybe 5 a day at most?). It has the double benefit of lowering blood sugar levels (apparently! Please do your own research!), while also making your hammy smell like curry. =) Also, I remember linseeds/flaxseeds being recommended for diabetic and diabetic-prone dwarves.

Last edited by Jeir; 12-27-2023 at 01:29 PM.
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hamster, mix, generic, aquarium, tomorrow

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