Originally Posted by racinghamster
Great job Starlight, that takes up time to research all the brands but it`s worth it for the comparisons.  Strange too though that the highest protein is 19.1 and the lowest protein is 12. 9?!!! Perhaps that comes down to the individual content within each mix and the manufacturers own research, but I`m a bit baffled that there is such a wide gap between protein percentages when it`s supposed to be `set` amount? I`m not too convinced that the scientific research statements on levels of protein for hamsters is that accurate, or perhaps the percentages science comes up with are more in line with the tests they are studying at the time and the hamsters are all being fed on different diets anyway depending on the trials being undertaken, which is often the case.
Hamsters and other small animals require higher protein levels while young, but not so much as they grow older, so I wonder too how the protein levels can be reduced if the whole mix is still being fed into old age?
They don`t seem to cater for that niggling thought! 
It is probably worth mentioning, in relation to the surprise at the variance between manufacturers, that even human dietary needs have been an ever-evolving subject filled with conflicting studies. Take breakfast cereal, for example. You can have about ten different versions of some sort of corn flake concoction that will vary by manufacturer; sure, the key ingredients may be the same, but the amounts will vary (and typically thanks to patients and copyright laws has to) but legally they all have to list nutritional information that tends to be skewed by things like serving size. (Seriously, who eats just four potato chips?)
It makes the task of attempting to provide the best diet with the most positive health benefit for your animal more than a little daunting. I like being able to see the comparisons though, especially for sugar content. Probably worth noting some treats use honey as a binder as well, but I do not think I have seen studies on alternative sugars like stevia or Agave. (Not that many would pay the expense for these ingredients in pet food)