Originally Posted by cloudy
Oh I see. I cannot imagine many hamsters will eat food with the medication in it. Once I injected a probiotic into a slice of cucumber for a guinea pig as she was on antibiotic's. She ate all around the bit with the antibiotic.
Cloudy I've always given medication in food. Maybe it depends on the hamster but most of ours wouldn't take metacam from a syringe and got too distressed to be held for having baytril injected.
Thankfully there are solutions! They will eat metacam in anything because they like the taste - I usually give it in a blob of baby food and the plate is licked clean,
Baytril is tricky because of the nasty taste and most foods won't disguise that taste. But I had a tip on here from a breeder to use a particular brand of meaty dog food for small dogs. It looks like corned beef and I can tell you every hamster we've had has gone bonkers for it! To the point there are serious dramas when you stop giving them it after the antibiotics are finished! Major tantrums! The beefy taste completely disguises the taste of the baytril. The eat it up straight away as well - and look forward to it every day! So I do that now.