Cloudy, as well as that programme about European hamsters, there was a great BBC series narrated by David Tenant - it was about many pets, but the hamster sections are on youtube. There are three of them on the link below. I am sure there was a bit showing robos in the wild. But they are really excellent videos and funny! It's the "Wild at Heart" series. There are 6 links from it on that page link below. John Downer productions is the last one (wacky races) - he was part of the Wild at Heart series. The European Hamster link that Ria linked is also on that page.
Pip doesn't come out in the day (except mornings) - our first robo was the one that would be out and about in the day. It varies. It is common for robos to come out in the day though - in a domesticated setting. Some depends on personality. For example - if you feed them something tasty and smelly at lunch time, they'll come out at lunch time probably! You could try split feeding - veg at lunch time and hamster mix and an "extra" early evening.
The Wacky Races one is about Robos. Bear in mind they don't seem to know much about pairs! And make light of the squabble in the wheel. Not great. But it's still an interesting video. The photography on all the videos is fantastic! I forget how they did it but it's really close up. Hidden cameras I think. It includes x ray photography too.
The videos are very educational in places re anatomy. Although I remember at the time people being dubious about hamster sonar helping them stop at heights. (we have all had a hamster jump from a height!). I do think they have a kind of sonar though.