Pip had some playpen time today and seemed to really enjoy it. Much more confident than last time. I saw he was out late afternoon and had gone into his plastic pod so it seemed an ideal opportunity to get him out (just put my hand over the end of the tube). His playpen arrived recently but is no good unfortunately - quality has gone downhill. It had quite a few splintery bits (which could be sanded but in awkward places) and it just didn't fit together. The holes seemed smaller than the notches. It might be fixable - or I might need to send it back.
So as luck would have it, something arrived this week in a very large box and the very large box seemed like a good playpen for Pip. Only thing is no idea where I would store it longer term.
I have a video of him but it's not ready yet. He seemed so much more confident than last time and running around and exploring. He is just over a year old now (it was a year and a month ago approx I got him and not quite sure how old he was then but teeny tiny). He has grown and filled out and looking a bit fluffier and more like a proper robo. He was a strange looking little thing at first - very very tiny and a bit sleek and not fluffy.
Anyway he was out for a good half hour, enjoyed the coconut a lot and had a wash in there. Really liked the little hay house and did lots of scratching of the hay inside there. Eventually I heard him in the hay house making a kind of whirring noise so took that as a sign he'd had enough and he walked back into the plastic pod when I put it in so easy to transfer him back to the cage.
I was wondering if it might put him off going down the tube to the plastic pod now I've lifted him out in it - but maybe it will have the opposite effect - he'll go into it when he wants to come out again. Because once back in his cage he kept going back into it and looking around. Maybe he thinks its a tardis or a transporter.
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