I've now had Bean here for one month.
In an unrelated incident, yesterday I cleaned out the middle third of his tank. Since it's 3 feet long, I'm cleaning out one foot of it at a time. I already did the shallow end once, but this time I did the section he was actually in at the time, in the tree-stump-looking hide. As I was removing the bedding around it, he dashed out and hid in his hollow log for a while. Then he dived into the deepest bedding.
He stayed there all day, not even coming out for his seeds in the middle of the day. But by night, he was out again and walked right into my hand for the special treat, which was half of a half of a peanut. I also gave him a small sunflower seed. We're back to being buddies.
I find myself reluctant to move to the bathtub, because our interactions the way they are are charming and low-stress. Does he need to get out of the tank? He's such a tiny animal, and the tank looks big when he's out, like maybe he could be satisfied with it. I'm satisfied.