Originally Posted by Serendipity7000
I think it looks amazing too! And loads of lovely deep substrate. Having a bit of extra space to add things can be a good thing as you find out your hammies habits in the cage and what he likes.
If it was me I would move the stone and rattan tunnel towards the centre front. That would mean less open space, an interesting tunnel and rock to climb between the house and the platform and less open space at the front so the hammy would feel a bit protected. And put a large cardboard box/hide or house at the right hand end as you look at it - iwith the the house side on to the front and the entrance facing towards the other end. The wheel would be near the house which would be popular!
I do think it needs a house in there - apologies if there is one and I've missed it! You might need to keep an eye on the wheel too in case your hammy burrows under it. It might need a support underneath. Anything would do for that - someone on here used a cake stand 

I moved a few things, and placed another bendy bridge there.
Already noticing some things i might have to do different! Haha..
I really think this little guy is a huge fan of burrowing!
He's been working on making tunnels since i got him
He does have a house, under the platform!
But i have to move it somewhere easier to get to..
Looks like he only pees in the house, and sleep under the wheel, so placing the litterbox there is probably the right thing to do!
The wheel got a platform, so i knew he would love sleeping under there

But i should probably just let it be for now.
Let him get used to the new smells, and sounds.