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Old 01-01-2013, 03:48 AM   #1
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Default Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

Im worried about my little Darcy! I have had her 2 nights now and her back end looks a bit wider and she has put on a gram (Im hoping my scales are dodgy!). Ive had a look at her underneath and cant see any nipples showing but she drinks alot. She has horded a lot of food - not just a bit, but I dont no if this is normal for her. My syrian does but my other dwarfs dont. Since I have had her she has had no contact with the boys! She now weights 45g she was 44g. She still loves to be handled and likes to climb up me and snuggle down in my jumper. I have tried to get a picture of her belly but she wouldnt stay on her back long enough for me to get a photo and I dont want to stress her. I have a top photo but Its not easy to see she wouldnt stay straight so she is a bit crunched up.

The lady I took her in from was also trying to rehome a male and I'm worried they were kept together. She has said they werent but I dont feel I can trust that as she said she was cleaned out the night before I had her and lets just say it was far from clean! Im really worried as she is missing a paw which could make things harder for her! Is there anything I can do to help her just encase? Il start giving her plain scrambled egg, cooked chicken, and some baby babyfood, and extra sunflower seeds at some point? is that the right things to give? She has a nest in an igloo, should I remove the lid of this just encase as there wont be space in there as well as a litter of pups! she has stuffed it full of fitch so there is no space to move in there. I know if she has pups not to touch the nest until their eyes are open and not to risk cleaning any of it. To separate them between 21 and 28 days old is that right?
Here is a picture but its hard to see her tummy:
Mally Hams - Home of the Diva Hams
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Old 01-01-2013, 02:34 PM   #2
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

Update: I just put in some more food for her and she climbed on me, I managed to have a look at her tummy a bit more and I can see some nipples (2 on the right as you look so on her left. But I know she has had a litter before so would I see them anyway? She didn't like me touching her tummy, didn't get aggressive but started to squirm and stopped as I lifted my fingers away, I only lightly touched her didn't put any pressure on her. I have removed her wheel as a precaution is this right? I've taken out her igloo and she has made a nest with a little help. Should I keep her sand bath in there? Should I remove tubes?
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Old 01-02-2013, 07:13 AM   #3
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

HI there,

I cannot tell you for sure whether Darcy is pregnant or not,
but I can assure you removing wheels, tubes, and the extra foods you are giving her is the correct thing to do.
When did you get her? They have a gestation period of 16 days, but can deliver on the 17th or sometimes 18th day, so you can count and see how far along she might be? Signs she is pregnant usually show on the 10th (or so) day after mating.
You can try removing the lid of the igloo, you might find that she moves the nest if you do that? She might chuck some bedding out anyway when she realises there is no space for pups.

The only thing you can really do is wait. Remember that if she is, leave her be for a few days before the expected birth, and don't touch or handle pups until they are 14 days old!
Let us know

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Old 01-02-2013, 09:41 AM   #4
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

I got her on the 30th. I took out the igloo but I gave in and put it back in after she fell asleep on her see-saw (More just a plank as I have packed under it just encase she falls) I have let her be today (partly as ive been asleep) and I will have another look at her tonight she has been coming out to get food and water though so Ive seen her. I weighed her last night and she had gone up to 47g, she started on 44g on the 30th. I gave her egg but she didn't touch it, I will try some chicken tonight. Are mealworms good? I have lots of them, I bought a bag for my other hammys and only Archie will eat them. When do you think I should do a full cage clean out? Should I treat yesterday as her 10th day as thats when some signs started? She made 2 different nests during the night, slept in them for about half an hour each and then went somewhere else. Whats the best substrate for her? She is on fitch but as its soft im worried about her struggling to carry pups over it with her missing paw. Should I put something more solid down for most of the cage and then fitch for the nest? I have hemp but im just worried about her getting it stuck in her pouch as she struggles to get it out from her right one. Any ideas how to get out stuck things from her pouch if this happens? If it does soon after she has given birth should I just leave her? Im worried about her having an infection with pups. She likes cuddles so im pretty sure I could get something out if there was I just dont no how! She had a nibble of my hand yesterday but not a nasty bite which she hasnt done before - I had just been holding Alfie though, I did wash my hands between but the soap is Aloe Vera so would she nibble due to the smell of the soap?

During the night when I gave her cuddles I could see 4 nipples, at first I could only see 2 on the right, the 2 on the left are now visable. Im not picking her up now, im just letting her climb onto my hand when she wants too. They dont like being held normally when they are about to have pups do they? I dont want to stress her! Her cage should normally be up on the shelf next to Archie, should I move her away? There is also Alfie and Percys cage and Finleys cage on the shelves below. They all run on their wheels for hours during the night (Alfie does alot of the day too!) Alfie and Percys wheels are very loud at the moment but they have new ones coming hopefully on friday that are quieter. will the noise of the wheels be too much for her?
Thank you for your help
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Old 01-02-2013, 01:07 PM   #5
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

Originally Posted by CharlieB View Post
I got her on the 30th. I took out the igloo but I gave in and put it back in after she fell asleep on her see-saw (More just a plank as I have packed under it just encase she falls) I have let her be today (partly as ive been asleep) and I will have another look at her tonight she has been coming out to get food and water though so Ive seen her. I weighed her last night and she had gone up to 47g, she started on 44g on the 30th. I gave her egg but she didn't touch it, I will try some chicken tonight. Are mealworms good? I have lots of them, I bought a bag for my other hammys and only Archie will eat them. When do you think I should do a full cage clean out? Should I treat yesterday as her 10th day as thats when some signs started? She made 2 different nests during the night, slept in them for about half an hour each and then went somewhere else. Whats the best substrate for her? She is on fitch but as its soft im worried about her struggling to carry pups over it with her missing paw. Should I put something more solid down for most of the cage and then fitch for the nest? I have hemp but im just worried about her getting it stuck in her pouch as she struggles to get it out from her right one. Any ideas how to get out stuck things from her pouch if this happens? If it does soon after she has given birth should I just leave her? Im worried about her having an infection with pups. She likes cuddles so im pretty sure I could get something out if there was I just dont no how! She had a nibble of my hand yesterday but not a nasty bite which she hasnt done before - I had just been holding Alfie though, I did wash my hands between but the soap is Aloe Vera so would she nibble due to the smell of the soap?

During the night when I gave her cuddles I could see 4 nipples, at first I could only see 2 on the right, the 2 on the left are now visable. Im not picking her up now, im just letting her climb onto my hand when she wants too. They dont like being held normally when they are about to have pups do they? I dont want to stress her! Her cage should normally be up on the shelf next to Archie, should I move her away? There is also Alfie and Percys cage and Finleys cage on the shelves below. They all run on their wheels for hours during the night (Alfie does alot of the day too!) Alfie and Percys wheels are very loud at the moment but they have new ones coming hopefully on friday that are quieter. will the noise of the wheels be too much for her?
Thank you for your help
Hi again

Are you weighing her the same time each day? It is around the 10th day that they start to show, so if she started to look pregnant then it is wise to treat that as the 10th day!
They enjoy mealworms! It will be good to fatten her up a little, just in case.
Yes, I think a full clean out now would be a good idea, since if pups are born you will not get the chance for a long time. Perhaps after you do it, put in the biggest hamster house you have so she has lots of space for a nest?
Fitch sounds fine! I wouldn't worry about bedding getting stuck in her cheek - this is unlikely! If it did happen, a vet would be best to remove it, as they can do it easily.
She might nibble you becuase of a smell, she might just be moody! I wouldn't worry about it - if she is pregnant, she will be more snappy.
A sign is nipples getting larger, more obvious. Do they seem to be swelling a little?
A few days before you expect the babies, say, saturday maybe (as monday would be the 16th day, assuming yesterday was the 10th) so she has time to settle down in her nest and rest. She may be a little fragile leading up, so its best not to pick her up too much.
The noise of the wheels shouldn't be a problem.
Are you familiar with how to look after mum and pups after the birth?


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Old 01-02-2013, 01:25 PM   #6
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

I have a big hamster house from the Alexander my boys are in that I haven't used I could use that as it's bigger than an igloo. I have read about the pups when they are born but I haven't experienced it all before. I used to help my cousin out when she bred them but she is no longer here to ask for advice. I haven't been picking her up, I've just let her climb onto me when she wants to and looked at her then. I've read about putting something over part of the cage to make it darker for her, would that be good? Her nipples do look large but if I'm honest I didn't investigate her nipples on the first couple days, but I didn't pot them. 2 caught my eye and I had a look for the others but couldn't see any before she wanted to get off me but now the others are prominent too. I have been weighing her about the same time, maybe 20mins different maximum.
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Old 01-02-2013, 01:35 PM   #7
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

Originally Posted by CharlieB View Post
I have a big hamster house from the Alexander my boys are in that I haven't used I could use that as it's bigger than an igloo. I have read about the pups when they are born but I haven't experienced it all before. I used to help my cousin out when she bred them but she is no longer here to ask for advice. I haven't been picking her up, I've just let her climb onto me when she wants to and looked at her then. I've read about putting something over part of the cage to make it darker for her, would that be good? Her nipples do look large but if I'm honest I didn't investigate her nipples on the first couple days, but I didn't pot them. 2 caught my eye and I had a look for the others but couldn't see any before she wanted to get off me but now the others are prominent too. I have been weighing her about the same time, maybe 20mins different maximum.
That house sounds good. Give her plenty of bedding, anything she doesn't want she will chuck out. Yes, when the pups are born, covering part of the cage with a towel can help reduce stress. Also, there should be minimum disturbance - the only disturbance being water changed and food bowl filled.
After 14 days and all the pups eyes are open, you can do a clean out while pups are safely in a container and mum is having a little exercise. It is vital not to disturb mum, or touch babies or nest, as mums can cull their babies.
You sound like you are doing a good job, and you seem to know a bit already. You can always look on the wiki, and ask here on HC.

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Old 01-02-2013, 01:37 PM   #8
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

I would move the cage if possible to a quieter area and away from the other hamsters as the noise and smell might stress her out if she does end up having pups just to be on the safe side. Covering the part of the cage is a good idea to give her more privacy just make sure it is still well ventilated. No levels in cage as don't want any of the pups to have an accident. But seems like you have been doing your research does she looked pear shaped at all?
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Old 01-02-2013, 02:08 PM   #9
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

Should I carry on changing food and water daily after pups arrive? Or could I leave it.longer so less disturbance? Will the pups need a special diet? I have silver's mix the one with no fresh water shrimps. What do they need in addition? Still the extra protein? How long should I give the extra protein for? She is looking very pear shaped, I don't want to stress her getting her out to take a Photo. She is on a single level any way, as soon as I got her I removed the shelf as I didn't want her to have another accident! Should I remove her sand tray and see-saw? I'm paniking like mad now, I want her to be ok!
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Old 01-02-2013, 02:30 PM   #10
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Default Re: Panic! Could my Darcy be pregnant??

Hey CharlieB,

I have never bred hamsters but I do know that if you're going to have an unexpected litter from Darcy that you couldn't be in a better place than on this forum. There are so many people with loads of experience here & they have talked through step-by-step the whole process for people who have never even kept hamsters before. At least you are already sensible & knowledgeable about keeping hamsters .

So, take a deep breath, calm a bit & be sure that you can manage this if the need arises with the help & support of people here .

I know you had already changed Darcy's cage to make it suitable for her with her little missing foot so it should be pretty baby friendly; nothing tall to fall off, nothing to get into & get stuck, think about removing the wheel if she has one. I would go for a house that doesn't have a bottom to it so that it won't be damp / condensation inside if she makes a nest in there.

There's lot of stuff in the breeding bit about food for pups, porridge seems to be popular . Have a little look at this thread Daughters new Syrian has had babies, advice wanted it has advice on all sorts of things for babies from a few months back.

I'm sure you & Darcy will be ok

Best wishes,

shiny & the hammies x
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