It's hard to believe it until you see it firsthand, but hamsters are really escape artists! My Syrian hamster, Daisy, escaped at least 3 times until I finally managed to figure out how she did it. (she climbed up her water bottle, chewed a hole in the cover of her bin cage, and hopped out!)
some hamsters, specifically female Syrians, will always feel the need to escape no matter how exciting and large their cage is.
I found this out the hard way with Daisy and spent a ton of money to upgrade her cage until I finally realized she will always prefer to just take over my bedroom lol.
what I found helps is that I really try to let her free roam my room for at least an hour a night. After a while, I felt safe letting her roam with the door closed even without me in the room (but only for a little bit, she still lives in her cage.) so at around 9pm I'll let her out and then either stay in the room or leave depending on what I need to get done then and I'll try to let her go until 10. sometimes I put her back in and then take her out again a little later. If I'm letting her go for more than 30 min, I'll also take out her water bottle.
By the time I put her back in her cage, she's much calmer and her attempts to escape are much less frequent.
however, I'm warning you there's a good chance your room will get destroyed

the bottom of my curtains are chewed up, (I let her though cuz they're pretty old anyway), she found a bag of her food on the floor and chewed a hole right through and had emptied out quite a bit of the bag by the time I realized what was going on. she has an entire stash of food and bedding under my nightstand which I clean out about once a week, and she broke my lamp after chewing right through the wire when I wasn't paying attention.
that being said, I enjoy watching her explore my room. it's very entertaining and I don't even need to set up toys for her. I feel that it's made our bond much stronger as she's my most tame hamster and will always come running to me when I call her name, or pat the floor.
I don't know if this will work for your hamster, but if you can, it's definitely worth a shot.
good luck!