View Full Version : Why No Outdoor Shows

Tick Tock
08-09-2010, 12:15 PM
I've just received my journal and want to ask why there are going to be no more outdoor shows? Are there no members who would help to do what is needed. I'm shy and have only been to one show and then i didn't speak to anyone but i would help if someone had asked. Not sure what it involves but i'm sure that i'm not alone in asking this question?

08-09-2010, 01:07 PM
I did wonder about this too, i suppose its becasue i've only just joined and only been to one show. So if i would have known they were in desperate help i would have offered!

Vectis Hamstery
08-09-2010, 02:16 PM
Outdoor shows especially involve a lot of effort. Several people are needed for the Friday afternoon to arrange everything and set up all the tables (and those tables are heavy!). This is proving increasingly difficult for everyone to find the time from work to do it (one of the reasons I've never helped set up). I've helped at several sunday displays which are good fun but really hard work, followed by putting all the tables away again. My understanding is that many of the open shows require the club to be there both days not just show day (otherwise they'd just have an empty tent on the second day) so it's either all or nothing.

I agree that it's a shame, but I'm aware that it wasn't a decision taken lightly. Maybe things will change for 2012 or whenever the economy starts to sort itself out and petrol gets a bit more affordable.

08-09-2010, 02:27 PM
It isn't all the clubs that are affected Ticktock as Northern is certainly still doing the outdoor shows but as Vectis says it is a lot of work and expense and people just cannot do it. Hopefully there will be alternative shows arranged though so you should not miss out.
Please don't be shy. You will be welcomed with open arms if you just say 'is there anything I can do to help?' Even just washing up is a fabulous contribution and a great way to meet people, chat and make friends.

08-09-2010, 03:52 PM
There were 4 people doing the brunt of the work for Midland and Southern outdoor shows, and it wasn't fair to keep asking these people to give up their entire weekends, and money (for petrol or hotels, or in taking days of work to set up on Friday). Ideally to do the display you need a minimum of 5 people, to allow breaks (generally 2 manning sales, 2 looking after the display animals and talking to the public, and one sorting out refreshments for the rest), ideally more are needed so people can take breaks, as it is exhausting. If anyone is interested in helping on display days, please let the show managers know (details can be found at Hamster Shows 2008 (http://www.towyvale.com/shows10/shows10.html)), as without offers there's no chance of outdoor shows returning for 2012, no one is expecting you to know exactly what to do, or what to say, but if you're enthusiastic about hamsters you'll have no problems talking to the general public about them!

Hall shows are different - help is much appreciated, and please don't wait to be asked (no one wants to make someone feel like they have to do something!). You can ask to help on sales (members only though), or offer to help with pen stewarding (a great way to learn more about showing), judge the pets, take abandoned plates/mugs back to the kitchen, or help with washing or drying up.

Mollz Mum
08-09-2010, 04:54 PM
I think that the main points have just about been covered.

The decision to not hold any outdoor shows for 2011 was taken by the relevant committees for each of the clubs. Unfortunately, we have to plan in advance, as the organisers of the outdoor shows are already arranging next years program. Support for the shows has declined over the last year or so, probably due to a combination of petrol prices, the economy in general and people's busy lives. They have been kept alive by a dedicated core of committee members, but it has become increasingly difficult for even these people to continue.
As I_N has said, it not only involves somebody being able to go on a Friday afternoon to set the tent up ready, but also needs manning for the Sunday (and sometimes Monday) display days. Some people camp out and stay over, but others who are supporting might have to travel 2-3 hours there and back on each of these days. It also requires the person who is running the show/display to be able to transport and store all of the display materials, tablecloths etc before, to and from and after the show. This has just become too much for the core workers to continue with, so unfortunately the very difficult decision to not hold them next year had to be taken.
I know that I,for one, will miss them greatly, and hope that we might be able to return to them if we can at a future date.

08-10-2010, 06:43 AM
Is any help needed at Chesire showground show?
I'd be happy to help in anyway i can!

08-10-2010, 07:40 AM
I think helpers are sorted for the show day, and it looks like Sunday is covered, but more people are needed to help with the display on Monday.

08-10-2010, 08:07 AM
I'm pretty new to shows so i'm not sure what happens on the display day, but i'm willing to learn :)
Should i contact anyone in particular and offer my help?