View Full Version : Hamster Wheels

02-17-2006, 06:38 PM
Hamster Wheel Usage

Anyone who has ever owned a female hamster will have noticed variations in her behaviour. For example, when she uses her wheel, sometimes it is in a frenzy and other times a more normal pace.

This is because a female hamster comes into season every four days, or, as she is nocturnal, nights.

Under normal conditions she is barely fertile on the fourth day at 7pm, yet highly fertile by 11pm and then reducing to infertile again by 7am the next day.

In-between these hours, she'll be running in her wheel like a marathon runner - relentless. In the wild, this would be a necessary adaptation to successfully finding a mate.

This frenetic activity would result in her repeatedly criss-crossing territory, thus maximising all opportunities for encountering a male.

02-18-2006, 01:24 AM
We have noticed that definatly is the case Babyboos. It would seem that the females also 'get up' earlier on their fertile nights. Perhaps they need to 'get ready' for the night out on the town :lol:

02-18-2006, 07:24 AM
:lol: Maybe :lol: