View Full Version : Hamster sleeping weirdly. confused .

01-04-2023, 12:13 PM
I am not terribly worried, but quite recently my hamster has started sleeping with her head poking out of her hut, and I would like to know why this is.
I have considered:
- that she is too hot
- that she has all of her food in her hut and so has no more space left for her :)
- or that she may have weed in her hut and so now doesn't want to sleep in it.
I moved her a couple of months back as she was near a window sill and almost slipped into hibernation mode. She now lives next to a radiator , and has been living there for a couple of months with no issues. (the heat has not fluctuated)
Her bedding is consistent of wood chippings, hay and shredded paper. Her house is made out of wood(so it is very well insulated).

Is this cause for concern, or is she just too hot?