View Full Version : Hamster Sound (Squeak)?

05-13-2022, 11:22 PM
Hi guys, this is about my male syrian hamster. He is around four months old. He is getting bigger, and I found out he is very.. vocal?

He is making a rubber duck noise, a squeak here and there. One squeak, then silence. Sometimes two squeak. It is driving me crazy because I don't know what that means :confused::confused: I am afraid that I am doing something wrong?

I have try to read online but the results are mixed between good and bad.
Usually he does that squeak when I put him back to the cage, sometimes while exploring, sometimes while on my hand!:o

Any advice?

Side note, my ham name is Io :mad: He's one reason why I join this forum!

Thank you in advance!

Ria P
05-14-2022, 05:07 AM
Hello and welcome to HC!

Not sure why you're getting upset over it. Some hamsters are vocal and some are completely silent.

I have six hamsters and only one of them is silent, so far anyway.

One Syrian made a lot of noise when he was a baby, another Syrian chirps when annoyed with me, another Syrian squawkes when i put him back in his cage, he even squawkes when inside his house and i'm doing some spot cleaning. The dwarf will screech when i move something in her cage and the Robo squeaks when i inconvenience him with a health check.

As long as your hamster is healthy and hamstering about as per usual, i wouldn't worry.

As for the internet, there is a lot of conflicting and misleading information around so don't believe everything you read.

I'm glad that you've joined this forum where people are always happy to share experiences with their own hamsters.