View Full Version : Are these wooden decorations safe?

08-11-2018, 04:14 PM
Hi Everyone! I was in The Works today here in the U.K and I noticed that they have a small section of Christmas crafts out. I seen these



They are described as "Natural wood" and are quite thin. I was thinking of maybe getting some and using some berry juice to paint them as a Christmas treat chew or to hang around the cage. What are your thoughts?

08-11-2018, 05:34 PM
Those look great, and I'm sure that you will have a wonderful time decorating your ham's cage with them. Any dyes that you use should be from the list of hamster safe foods. Also, if you choose to hang them up, untreated sisal rope is the best as they are safe for hamsters. You do have to remove them if your little one begins chewing on the rope though. Have fun; I look forward to seeing your creations when you are through. :)

08-11-2018, 10:42 PM
They may be ok but as it doesn't specify what kind of wood I wouldn't use them.
They'll probably be a bit thin for chewing & might just splinter too.

08-12-2018, 12:29 AM
They’ll be thin pieces of laser cut plywood most likely - I wouldn’t use them as chews. To hang round the cage would be fine but I’d remove them if your hamster chewed them which probably wouldn’t happen.