View Full Version : Roborovski treats?

04-09-2018, 12:15 PM
I know that dwarf hammy's can get diabetes so you want to try to avoid giving them foods with too much sugar I was wondering what the best treats are for roborovskis then. I am planning on buying mealworms (they aren't really sugary?) which will gross me out but if Tofu likes them I am willing to make that sacrifice. What else is good?

Also at the moment shes eating Pets at Home hamster muesli (linked) since I had it originally for Crumpet but he didn't munch his way through the other bag I had. I was wondering what anyone with more dwarf hamster experience would recommend?
http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/hamster-food-and-treats/pets-at-home-hamster-muesli-with-wholesome-grains-and-seeds-1kg?i=18&orderBy=1&fa=%7c%7cprice_GBP%253A%255B0%2b10%255D%7c%7cads_f 12501_ntk_cs%253A%2522Pets%2bat%2bHome%2522#


04-09-2018, 12:40 PM
I know that dwarf hammy's can get diabetes so you want to try to avoid giving them foods with too much sugar I was wondering what the best treats are for roborovskis then. I am planning on buying mealworms (they aren't really sugary?) which will gross me out but if Tofu likes them I am willing to make that sacrifice. What else is good?

Also at the moment shes eating Pets at Home hamster muesli (linked) since I had it originally for Crumpet but he didn't munch his way through the other bag I had. I was wondering what anyone with more dwarf hamster experience would recommend?
http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/hamster-food-and-treats/pets-at-home-hamster-muesli-with-wholesome-grains-and-seeds-1kg?i=18&orderBy=1&fa=%7c%7cprice_GBP%253A%255B0%2b10%255D%7c%7cads_f 12501_ntk_cs%253A%2522Pets%2bat%2bHome%2522#


Hey :)

It's actually a myth that sugar causes diabetes, it's mostly due to genetics. So limiting sugar in your dwarfs diet isn't totally nessacary as it's also quite rare for a robo to get diabetes. Although it's always good to not give any hamster too much sugar as sugar isn't the healthiest thing.

Mealworms are a great source of healthy fat and protein and are safe to feed.

U can bake homemade treats like plain yogurt and oat treats that I've seen on YouTube videos for hamsters(I currently feed my hamster this treat). I definitely reccomend making the treats if u can because then u know all the ingredients that are going into the treat.

I also reccomended a hamster safe dog biscuit. By safe I mean a dog biscuit that has no garlic, high sodium levels etc. Always check the ingredients before buying treats.

Also natural treats like sunflower seeds, safe nuts(not almonds) or fresh fruit and veg also make great treats.

04-09-2018, 01:00 PM
Hi, robo hamsters aren't actually prone to diabetes, It's not impossible for them to get it but it is highly unlikely. The dwarf hamsters that are prone to diabetes are Campbell's and hybrids.

All treats should be fed sparingly and in moderation and healthy treats such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds ect are always the best option but a few store bought treats such as yoghurt drops wont do much harm fed sparingly.

Mealworms are good to give and most robos enjoy them - they help to boost the protein in a hams diet as well -they grossed me out at first too but you soon get used to them.

As for a dwarf mix Burgess dwarf hamster harvest is a good food for dwarfs - it contains alot of smaller seeds which is easier for dwarfs to eat - you can buy it from petsathome and I believe Poundstrecher also sell it (or at least ones near me do). Another dwarf food i know of is JR farms dwarf hamster feast but this needs ordering online

04-09-2018, 01:39 PM
As SecretlyDying said robos aren't one of the species prone to diabetes so you don't need to worry about that although it's still a good thing to avoid all sugary treats as they are generally unhealthy for any animal.
Mealworms make a great treat in moderation, they are a good protein supplement but also high in fat so not too many!
There are a variety of seeds that you can give, sunflower (in the shell), pumpkin, flax & hemp seeds are all healthy, millet is generally enjoyed if you give the sprays (often sold for birds) monkey nuts are also good as an occasional treat, very tiny bits of other nuts can be given too.
If you don't give them already fresh veg, just small amounts daily are an important supplement to the diet & a real treat for hams too.
I would use a dwarf specific mix, the pets at home muesli isn't ideal, the Burgess dwarf hamster harvest is quite good but does lack variety so they can get a bit bored with it, the Bunny dream mix (http://www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/small_pets/hamster/food/620085) from Zooplus has a lot more variety but is a little low in protein but if you give mealworms you'll easily make that up.
I really wouldn't recommend the JR farms mix.

04-09-2018, 04:50 PM
Agree you need a better hamster mix. Either Burgess Dwarf supahamster (which is easily available and I think Pets at Home sell it). Or Bunny dwarf expert or a rodipet dwarf hamster mix (those cost more and there's postage from Germany). I am mixing those last two for our robo. It costs more upfront but lasts quite a long time.

For treats I give him similar to I give our syrian - a little bit of nut sometimes - walnut or brazil nut. A tiny bit of cheese occasionally. A few pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. The mixes I use already have mealworms in.

04-10-2018, 04:44 AM
Oops! I thought it was all dwarfs my bad!

I was thinking of using the Burgess dwarf mix as I saw it at pets at home but I just wanted to see if there was anything better. I think I will go with the Burgess as it seems a little easier (especially since pets at home is literally a 5 minute walk away).

Thanks for your suggestions for treats I will keep them in mind (although try not to go overboard since I have started becoming obsessed with buying things for Tofu). With fruit at the moment I give her a little piece once a week.

Also with changing food mix you slowly increase the portion of new in the current one over a week or two right?

04-10-2018, 04:48 AM
That's right about changing the mix, just add a small amount of the new one to the old mix to begin with then gradually increase the amount of the new until you've switched over completely.
A piece of fruit once a week is ok but veg are more important, begin with just a small piece once every few days & gradually increase that to daily & give plenty of variety if you can.

04-10-2018, 08:13 AM
Not citrus fruit though xxx