View Full Version : Hi there!

02-08-2018, 05:31 PM
Hello, I'm new to Hamster Central.

I'm glad to be here, wishing you all the best for your hamsters :)

Here's a picture of my hamham.


02-09-2018, 10:17 AM
Hello and Welcome to Hamster Central!

Unfortunately I can't see the picture of your Hamham, (this thread shows a tutorial on how to upload photos to the forum - http://www.hamstercentral.com/community/announcements-bug-corner/70570-how-embed-photos.html)

Looking forward to seeing a photo of your hamster!

02-09-2018, 03:17 PM
Unfortunately, the forum is a bit hard to navigate, so I was trying to find the edit button so I'll just post it here.


02-09-2018, 03:26 PM
That is one very adorable hammy you have! Beautiful photos!

I too also found the forum a bit hard to navigate when I first joined - it took a little while for me to figure how to do things too. If need any help we will be happy to help you out.
Normally the edit button is found at the bottom right hand corner (beside the "Quote" "+" "QR") for the first post in a thread you are only able to edit your post in the first 24hrs of posting it and any other post only 12hrs.

02-09-2018, 05:18 PM
That is one very adorable hammy you have! Beautiful photos!

I too also found the forum a bit hard to navigate when I first joined - it took a little while for me to figure how to do things too. If need any help we will be happy to help you out.
Normally the edit button is found at the bottom right hand corner (beside the "Quote" "+" "QR") for the first post in a thread you are only able to edit your post in the first 24hrs of posting it and any other post only 12hrs.

Hey, SKB_Hamsters?

Do you mind if I ask? I bought a Cage that is 76x44x48cm. I've just watched a video that the minimum cage size should be 80x50 cm.
Will my current cage still do? My apologies if this is off-topic.

02-09-2018, 05:31 PM
That size cage should be fine I personally say anything around the 80x50cm is good size. Although what size cage is best does depend on each hamster own personality as some hamster prefer smaller cage and other larger so if your hamster is happy in this size cage then it fine - That is a reason why this forum no longer has a recommended minimum cage size.

02-09-2018, 05:36 PM
I thought the minimum size should be followed? What happened to that?

02-09-2018, 05:48 PM
I don’t know exactly what happened to the minimum - the RSPCA used to also recommend a minimum of 80x50cm but they removed it to.
Also enrichment is just as important as cage size - providing your hamster has plenty to do inside it cage and they don’t show any signs of boredom then it regarded that cage size is ideal for that individual. As having a large cage with nothing in it, a hamster will still exhibit boredom behaviour despite the cage reaching a minimum.
Also cages which are marketed as 80x50 are actually smaller as the measurement is often taken from the widest part often which often includes cage clips so the cage is infact smaller than stated.
Although the minimum is a size to aim for. Although some individual live perfectly fine in a smaller size cage - one of my past Syrians Toffee, she was a very fearful hamster and she lived happily in a 60x40cm cage. So I feel it does depend upon on the individual.
What cage do you have?

02-09-2018, 05:49 PM
This is the cage that I have, I would've bought the larger one, but I thought it'd follow the guidelines.

02-09-2018, 11:01 PM
Hi & welcome to HC :)

That's a really lovely ham you have!
Your cage is fine, any recommendations on size are just a guide not a hard & fast rule, yours is barely less than 80x50cm anyway, size is an individual thing as some hams enjoy space more than others, if your ham is happy that's all that matters.

02-10-2018, 10:17 AM
Hi and welcome to the forum. If you have any questions, please always feel free to ask. :)

I agree with what the other members said; your cage is fine so long as your hammy is happy. Your ham is SO cute. Btw, what is the name of your darling?

02-10-2018, 11:40 AM
Welcome. Your hamster looks lovely. Your cage should be fine. You may find you need to make minor adjustments to how it is setup once your hamster settles in.

02-11-2018, 08:34 PM
Hello dreamtree1234

Her name is Tori currently, my friend gave me an idea.
It was Victoria at first, but I wanted to make it different.

I may have another question. I'm not quite keen, I'd like to ask if she's a winter white dwarf hamster.

Edit: Thinking of renaming her to Toria.

02-11-2018, 11:24 PM
If you didn't get your ham from a breeder & don't know her species for sure then it's most likely she is a Russian hybrid, a cross between WW & Campbell's, these two species are closely related & have been hybridised for so long now there are no longer any pure WW or Campbell's hamster available in pet shops.

02-12-2018, 06:13 AM
Toria - how absolutely lovely - a gorgeous name for such a beauty!!!! :)

02-12-2018, 07:44 AM
If you didn't get your ham from a breeder & don't know her species for sure then it's most likely she is a Russian hybrid, a cross between WW & Campbell's, these two species are closely related & have been hybridised for so long now there are no longer any pure WW or Campbell's hamster available in pet shops.
I've gotten her from Zoo Frank in germany with 2 other hamsters listed as Djungarian Hamster.

02-12-2018, 08:15 AM
Just googled Zoo Frank & it seems to be a pet store so I would assume your ham is a hybrid, they get called various names but without a pedigree from a breeder it's doubtful she would be anything else.

02-12-2018, 08:54 AM
Just googled Zoo Frank & it seems to be a pet store so I would assume your ham is a hybrid, they get called various names but without a pedigree from a breeder it's doubtful she would be anything else.

Well, I see. I did however ask the Pet Shop Assistant if it's a campbell or a winter white.

They did just say no. I'm guessing she's a hybrid then?

EDIT: I want to know if there are qualified pet shops or breeders in Germany and Switzerland? I want to know more about the hybrids.