View Full Version : Cage sizing for two dwarfs?

01-19-2018, 01:24 PM
I was just wondering if a 40 gallon breeder tank is big enough to house two dwarf hamsters or if I would have to find a bigger cage for when I do decide to adopt two dwarfs. Thanks to everyone that replies!

01-20-2018, 09:31 AM
Hi there! :)
A 40 gallon would be fine. I used one to house my two roborovski dwarf males. Space didn’t seem to be much of a problem at all, I was able to fit two of everything (including two 6in wheels) and still have plenty of space left. Forty gallons is a nice size in my opinion, some might consider it a bit small (I wouldn’t say it’s the best housing option for a Syrian) but it’ll be fine to use.

I really suggest doing research on keeping pairs if you haven’t already ;) Definitely be sure to have an extra cage on hand in case the two need separating. My robo pair had to be separated due to one picking on the other in his “teenage” phase. And let me tell you, you definitely don’t want to be caught in a situation where you only have one cage and two fighting hamsters!!

Good luck with you future fur babies!

01-21-2018, 08:22 AM
Hello and Welcome to HC.
I personally wouldn't advise on housing two dwarfs together as most often end up falling out or fighting (which sometimes can be fatal) - and you will need to closely monitored and will need separating if they start to fight (so a spare cage is a must). I have experienced a fallout between my past dwarf hamsters - it happened very suddenly and once separate they lived very happily on their own. If having two hamsters is something you want then I would advise housing them separately.

Although if you do decide to get a pair then a 40 gallon is fine (I wouldn't go any larger), you will need two of everything (including cages in case of fights), no shelves or ledges for one to become territorial over and house/toys will need multiple entrances to prevent one trapping the other inside.

01-21-2018, 10:58 AM
I agree - if you're not an experienced hamster owner, it's better to have one dwarf hamster than two. But if you really want a pair that need adopting, then preparation is the key. A 40 gallon breeder tank is a good size - just right for a pair. But it needs setting up very carefully to have success in them living together - and even then they can sometimes fall out and need separating. So you'd need to be prepared to have another cage available in case they have to be separated.

For setting the tank up you need at least two houses and two wheels. The houses need to be big enough to fit both of them in and with more than one entrance (so one can get out if the other tries to block the door). Some people even put three wheels in, or two wheels and a flying saucer. They may both sleep in one house and run in one wheel but sometimes they want their own space and you always need one of each so they don't fight over one thing. One dwarf sized wheel and one Syrian sized wheel works well - it's easier for them to run together in a Syrian sized wheel (eg 8 to 10"). Plus a flying saucer possibly.

Two water bottles and two food bowls as well. Or you can scatter feed instead of having food bowls. No levels or platforms (that leads to them being territorial) and any floor tubes or tunnels need to be large - like rat sized ones I'd say - again so one can't block or guard it.

And lots of substrate. As you can see that can work out a bit expensive in wheels - but you can make large houses with two entrances out of a shoe box or large tissue box by cutting holes in the boxes. Multiple entrances is even better (ie one front, one side and one the other side or one on top).