View Full Version : Unexpected new hamster owner

01-07-2018, 12:46 PM
Hi everyone,

So this weekend I became the new owner of a hamster - Cookie. My boyfriend's friend decided to get him (us) one as a gift. Although this was a surprise, I'm happy to have her as I'm a massive animal lover, and used to have my own hamster when I was younger.

Having said that, if I'd made the decision to get a pet I would have done the appropriate research beforehand and made sure to get it from a reputable breeder / source. Our new hammie was bought from a pet shop in London, and apparently the lady who owned the shop insisted that all the hamsters were Syrians. Well I've since researched and Cookie looks nothing like a Syrian, there was no sniff of a pedigree and so I'm guessing she's a Russian hybrid, but....I'm obviously no expert, hence my coming here straight away. It would be great to get your guys opinion? And if she does look like a hybrid, any considerations I need to take into account for the future?


I'm planning to take her to the vet this week for a checkup, given that she came from a pet shop - check her condition and general health and also double check sex.

Overall she seems in good condition, she's been pretty bright and alert, eating and drinking, even confident I would say, happy to sniff my fingers, take food off me, and she's been busy creating her nest.

I'm also planning to get a proper cage this week and fill it with appropriate wheel, toys, sand bath etc. But any other advice would be gratefully received!

01-07-2018, 02:09 PM
Congrats! She's adorable, definitely a Russian hybrid.
The only real consideration you need to be aware of is diet, they can be prone to diabetes so it's best to feed a dwarf specific diet like Burgess dwarf hamster harvest & avoid sugary treats, fruit & too many sweet veg.
If you have a barred cage take care there's no where she can climb & fall onto anything hard, they do rather like to climb but aren't very good at it!
I wouldn't take her to the vet unless you have any specific worries, it's quite stressful for them & there really isn't any need.

01-08-2018, 12:57 PM
Aww she is so cute. All the best with her settling in and taming.