View Full Version : Hello!

11-26-2017, 04:01 AM
Hello my fellow hamster owners! I'm Adela and I'm from the small country of Croatia. I joined HC because I'm getting a syrian hamster in a week and I want to exchange experiences with you fine people! :)

I just have a question for my new pet:

1. Is cotton bedding okay for my hamster?
2. Which name is better for a female syrian teddy bear hamster: Lulu or Aria?

Ty sooooo muchh!
Lots of love,
Your fellow hamster buddy :)

11-26-2017, 06:25 AM
Hi Adela, welcome to HC :)

Cotton bedding isn't suitable for hamsters, if you mean for the nest rather than the main substrate in the cage then the best thing is plain white shredded toilet tissue.

I would wait until you get your ham to see which name suits best, look forward to hearing about your new arrival!

11-29-2017, 10:56 AM
Hi Adela, welcome to HC :)

Cotton bedding isn't suitable for hamsters, if you mean for the nest rather than the main substrate in the cage then the best thing is plain white shredded toilet tissue.

I would wait until you get your ham to see which name suits best, look forward to hearing about your new arrival!

Sorry, Yeah i meant for the main substrate! My english is not so great, so I mix some things :P I know for the toilet paper, but i mean te main substrate, the "thing" they will burrow in, is cotton substrate okay for my ham?

Tysm <3

11-29-2017, 12:00 PM
No unfortunately not. Cotton can't break down in their insides if they chew or swallow it (they tend to pouch things for their nest) and it can also wind tight around their legs and cut the blood supply off. Plain white toilet paper is best - you can use it both for nest material and for substrate/litter if you can't find any suitable substrate/litter. Otherwise pine shavings need to be kiln dried and dust extracted (if it doesn't say that on the bag then they aren't). Aspen is also ok for substrate - some reptile shops stock it.

11-29-2017, 12:49 PM
Definitely don't use any kind of cotton, toilet tissue isn't really substantial enough for the main substrate, what substrates can you buy where you are? As Serendipity said kiln dried pine & aspen are fine, if you can get it hemp bedding is good too.

11-30-2017, 07:13 AM
Thank you so much! Unfortunately, i dont think there is aspen im my shop, cause i looked for it, but i will ask the staff.
Im going to write the available substrates in my local pet shop, and you tell me which one's the best:

1. Chipsi Classic - low-dust softwood chips, derived from spruce and fir
2. Chipsi Citrus, Strawberry etc. - softwood chips, scented (I KNOW I SHOULD NOT BUY THIS ONE)
3. Chipsi Super - plant fiber
4. Chipsi Fun - colourful bedding mix made from natural soft wood chips & fleecy flakes

Those were under the Rodent section.
But i know they have these cat litter things that i heard are great I think its called "Cat's best universal"..... They look like little wine corks :) SHould i maybe check in another section of the pet shop?

I need a main substrate where my hamster can burrow... :)

Thank you so much! ;)

11-30-2017, 08:58 AM
Check the reptile section to. They have may have aspen substrate.

The cat litter pellets aren’t good for burrowing in.

Can you get a paper based substrate like carefresh?

11-30-2017, 09:18 AM
Can you order online?
I just checked Zooplus (http://www.zooplus.com/content/shippingcosts) & they deliver to Croatia, they're a really good company to use if yo can & they do hemp (http://www.zooplus.com/shop/rodents/accessories/rodent__nests/325227?rrec=true) so that might be an alternative.

11-30-2017, 09:25 AM
Unfortunately, i cant. Carefresh is sold in a town thats 90 km away from my town. I called the pet shop and they said that they will check the reptile section. I live in a small town (only 30 000 people) and our pet shop only has 2 snakes, about 15 hamsters, some rats, guinea pigs, gerbils, mice and chinchilas. They have fish and parrots. And of course, bunnies. I called the pet shop about the aspen and they said they dont have it in the rodent section but that they will check for other sections. From the substrates that I brought up, which one's the least dangerous? If everything is dangerous, I will check in another city. I will try to order online, but im gettin my hamster in a week and i dont think it will arrive in time.

What about beech wood shavings?

11-30-2017, 09:34 AM
I think the chipsi classic should be ok. I wouldn't go for any of the others though.
Have a look at Zooplus if you can order from them it may not take long, I don't know about countries but when I order it usually only takes a few days even though stuff sometimes comes from Germany to the UK.

11-30-2017, 09:35 AM
From what I have seen of the ones you listed. The chipsi classic or chipsi super look best. You could get one and try it. Even if it’s just until you can find/get a better one.

11-30-2017, 09:38 AM
Thank you so much! You've helped me alot! They also have beech wood shavings, but i dont know. Im going to check Zooplus and see what they have.
Ty so much once more! :)

11-30-2017, 09:45 AM
Your welcome. Hopefully you can find something suitable.

12-01-2017, 09:44 AM
Hello and Welcome to Hamster Central.

Zooplus sells hemp bedding which is suitable and safe for hamsters

12-02-2017, 01:06 AM
I'm from croatia as well, so I know how hard it is to find good hamster supplies. I would suggest you order hemp bedding and other thing you might need from zooplus.
Good luck with your new hamster:)

12-02-2017, 01:39 AM
Hello and welcome to HC, Adela! I'm so happy that you have joined our lovely forum of hammy lovers and that you will be giving a ham a wonderful home in approximately a week. I think both of your name choices are lovely and I look forward to hearing what name calls out to you when she arrives. I agree with what the other members have said concerning the substrate and nesting choices. Good luck shopping; hopefully, you will be able to purchase what you need from Zooplus. I look forward to hearing more about your ham and seeing pics whenever she settles in more. :)

12-02-2017, 03:42 AM
Thank you so much! :D

12-17-2017, 04:44 AM

Everyone, meet Luigi. He's a small shorthaired white syrian. I tamed him and i love to play with him. Hes very energetic. :)