View Full Version : Hi, I'm new and getting my first hamster

08-05-2017, 10:59 AM
Hello, I've had many pets, rats, rabbit, guniea pig and a mouse, just just to name a few but never had a hamster. With my cats and snake getting old, I've decided to get a dwarf hamster. I have been doing research, but am unable to decide what dwarf hamster is best for me, :-k I understand they all have their own personalitys, I just want a friendly healthy one. I know dwarfs are prone to diabetes, but I can deal with that, so any suggestions or info on species or health would be of help :D

08-05-2017, 11:50 AM
Hi there!
Firstly, welcome to Hamster Central, there are lots of friendly people who are always happy to give advice and pointers where needed.
Secondly with species, it depends what you really want from your hammie. Not all dwarf species are prone to diabetes. Winter Whites and Campbells are. The Russians found in pet shops are too as they are a hybrid cross between a Winter White and a Campbell and are prone to additional health issues.
Chinese hamsters are small but not technically dwarf hamsters, I'm not sure if your state has rules on what species are and aren't prohibited.
Roborovskis aren't prone to diabetes but tend to be more of a watch pet rather than a cuddly one (there are exceptions).
It also depends what you have available and where you're planning to get your little one from. Are you adopting, buying from a store, getting from a breeder or getting via Craigslist etc?
As far as care goes, the needs are pretty much the same for all of the hammie species although Chinesey's can be quite shy so like lots to hide in within their cage

08-05-2017, 12:10 PM
Hi & welcome to HC :)

I think if you're new to hamsters & would like a dwarf then a Russian is probably the easiest to begin with, they are generally easy to tame, easier to handle not being as fast as robos or chinese, friendly & interactive although each ham is an individual so you can't over generalise with the different species.

Chinese hams are lovely & make adorable pets but they can be timid & take a little more patience with taming.

Robos can be hand tamed but many do remain less tame or hand friendly than the other dwarf hams unless handled from a very young age by a breeder.

If you get a Russian ham from a pet shop it will be a hybrid (regardless of what the shop may call them!) so prone to diabetes.
Campbells Russian & Chinese are also prone to diabetes, it's just the robos & Winter whites that aren't genetically prone to diabetes.
Do bear in mind that it can be hard to find good sugar free food for a dwarf hamster in the US so that's something you might want to consider before making your final decision.

Thin Lizzy
08-05-2017, 12:51 PM
Hi Gothicwarrior and welcome to HC.
Such great advice has been given.

08-05-2017, 01:10 PM
Hello and welcome to HC!

Everyone has given you excellent advice. Looking forward to meeting you ham :)

08-05-2017, 01:15 PM
Hi Gothicwarrior,
Welcome to HC, you will not find a better place for help and advice, the people here are amazing and so supportive too.
Have not considered a Syrian Hamster, they all have amazing personalities, from being as Thick as a brick to being far to clever and cunning for their own good..!

08-05-2017, 03:18 PM
Thank you all for the help, unfortunately there are no professional hamster breeders in my area, so I only have what Petsmart has. Petsmart does have an adorable black teddy bear hamster I've been considering, but with my small apartment I'm unsure if I have adequate floor spare for a large cage. I will just get the hamster that speaks to me.

08-05-2017, 03:31 PM
I'd stick to what you're best able to house then,which sounds like a dwarf of some sort.Of course,hybrids still generally do best with cages between 80 cm x 50 cm and 100 cm x 50 cm so that is something to think about :)

08-06-2017, 03:44 AM
Hello and welcome to HC :) Looking forward to hearing about your new little one when you bring him/her home :)

08-06-2017, 12:48 PM
Welcome. I hope you can find a lovely hamster (dwarf or Syrian) soon.

Cinnamon Bear
08-06-2017, 02:04 PM
You might consider asking Pet Smart if they have any hamsters in their "back room" available for adoption. Sometimes they have hamsters that haven't been put on the floor yet, or ones that are too old & haven't found a home yet so they've been taken off the floor.

08-06-2017, 08:06 PM
Thank you, Cinnamon Bear, I didn't even think about that :D when I am able to go to Petsmart, I'll ask them. I recently found out that the exotic pet store I always go to for feeder rats, that they sell hamsters, it's funny been going there for years and never noticed. Every animal at the exotic pet store I go to sells animals from professional breeders :mrgreen: they care about their animals.

08-15-2017, 04:03 PM
Hi and welcome to HC, Gothicwarrior! Everyone gave such wonderful advice. I hope that you are able to find your very special hampal and the two of you have many wonderful years together. Have fun finding the one that calls out to you. I look forward to seeing you around in forum and getting to know your little fluffy when he/she is given a loving, forever home with you. Best of luck! :)

My Syrian Eros waves a tiny paw to you and can't wait to meet your new hammy whenever he/she is settled in more.

08-22-2017, 03:07 PM
Hello Gothicwarrior and welcome to HC, look forward to meeting your new hammy, lots of good advice and friendly hammy owners on this forum :mrgreen: