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08-01-2017, 04:15 PM
Hi, I'm Tiffany from NC. Mother of 2 dogs and 2 hamsters.

Lucky- Male Chihuahua
Cindy- Female Dachshund
Mr. & Mrs. Cuddlesworth- Some type of hamster (not dwarf) lol

We bought the hamsters about a month ago and have recently come to the conclusion that Mrs. Cuddlesworth might have babies!!! Wasn't intentional as both hamsters were already in the same cage at the pet store and are very friendly. They sleep together and make the nest together, it's quite cute!!

08-02-2017, 03:17 AM
Hello and welcome
The pet shop has likely given you some really bad advice. If you have bought the two hamsters together they are very likely brother and sister and they really should not have been allowed to breed. You can never keep opposite sex pairs together even with dwarfs and if you have syrians they are strictly solitary. You must separate them immediately or else you may end up with a bad fight or at worst another set of inbred pups. It is really essential you do this and not put them back together ever.
They will still be together as they are just babies and the female is really too young for pups however what is done is done so you need to give her the best chance to raise her pups. Move her to a large bin cage with plenty substrate and tissue bedding to nest in. Keep her very quiet and wait 16 days to see if pups arrive. Feed a good and generous diet. If she has a litter then you must not touch them or mum till all eyes are open.
Can you post some pics so we can ID them?

08-02-2017, 03:37 AM
Hello and welcome to hamster central!

Souffle has given excellent advice. Looking forward to meeting your little ones :)

08-02-2017, 09:11 AM
Hello and welcome
The pet shop has likely given you some really bad advice. If you have bought the two hamsters together they are very likely brother and sister and they really should not have been allowed to breed. You can never keep opposite sex pairs together even with dwarfs and if you have syrians they are strictly solitary. You must separate them immediately or else you may end up with a bad fight or at worst another set of inbred pups. It is really essential you do this and not put them back together ever.
They will still be together as they are just babies and the female is really too young for pups however what is done is done so you need to give her the best chance to raise her pups. Move her to a large bin cage with plenty substrate and tissue bedding to nest in. Keep her very quiet and wait 16 days to see if pups arrive. Feed a good and generous diet. If she has a litter then you must not touch them or mum till all eyes are open.
Can you post some pics so we can ID them?

Thanks for the advice, this has been my plan all along; to separate the mother. However I don't believe they are brother and sister. He is much older than her. The pet store told us from the beginning we could return any pups but I'm going to try family and friends first.

08-02-2017, 12:20 PM
So Mr. is white with a little orange patch down his back.
Mrs. is a light greyish color all over.

And as of now they have been separated. Before separation they made their nest in the wheel which was housed above the generic cage (which was set inside of a tote with the gate open for extra space). After separation Mrs. was completely upset that the wheel was gone (I have read that the birthing cage needs no wheel) so I took it apart and placed it inside the new home for her nest but cannot be used as a wheel.

I did however let Mr. Cuddlesworth take over the tote for now only because he is much bigger than her and requires a bigger wheel which cannot fit in the house. I do plan on getting a larger tote for Mrs. hopefully before she gives birth.

08-02-2017, 12:48 PM
Unfortunately we can't see the pics as photobucket stopped allowing 3rd party links several weeks ago.
You can however upload your pics directly to the forum and embed them as instructed here. Just make sure they are not too huge before upload :)

I'm glad to hear you have them separated now and looking forward to hearing how things go and seeing the pups when the eyes have opened :)

08-02-2017, 01:24 PM

ohhh. well that's good to know!!

Mr. Cuddlesworth

Mrs. Cuddlesworth


08-02-2017, 02:08 PM
She is definitely pregnant Tiffany and I would put my bets on them being related despite what the pet shop told you. They are very alike. Going by the light fuzz over the ears both are still youngsters. Size means nothing at this age as you get larger and smaller in most litters.
It's not easy to tell the colours though both are red eyed and the male is a pattern of some sort. Possibly a red eyed cream banded dominant spot. The female may be an ivory or also a pattern. This is not a good match I have to warn you but lets keep everything crossed that the pups will all be fine. She is due fairly soon I'd say between 1 and 4 days to delivery and there look to be quite s few pups in there so once they arrive start supplementing her diet with plenty protein like egg / milky porridge / chicken / babyfood / tofu / mealworms etc and a quality mix. Keep handling to a minimum now and leave her very quiet. Mums always go giddy as they are moved in to the maternity box.
Can you start a thread for them in the breeding board please,

08-02-2017, 02:49 PM
I'll start a new thread after the birth I think. I probably won't be posting much between now and then. But I do have a few questions while I'm here.

I realize mom and dad shouldn't live together anymore but since they are close can they still visit and play together (after the pups are weaned obviously) as long as there is complete supervision to avoid more breeding?

I probably won't have time to get another tote before delivery and don't want to risk moving her again. So can I put the small cage in a larger tote like before (with the door open) to give them more room?

Should I wait til after the pups have been separated to start the taming process over? I absolutely hate not having the time to tame her before all this. But Mr. Cuddlesworth was already tamed that's why I think they came from different litters. However with whatever the circumstances and because there's absolutely no way of knowing at this point, better safe than sorry!

And thank you so much for all the advice and information. My fiancé just HAD to have hamsters and impulsively bought them. And now I'm the one doing all the hard work lol

08-02-2017, 03:13 PM
No you can't let them together ever again as after the pups she would most likely attack him and can badly injure him or worse. Females will only tolerate males when they are in heat and after mating can attack the male. It is not fair on her body to risk the stress of being with him again and it only takes a few seconds to conceive another litter. They don't have human emotions so she will be fine on her own.
I'm unsure what a tote is? In the UK it is what we call a bag! I wouldn't have two cages with pups in case they get stuck somewhere.
Yes you need to wait to tame her. She is quite bulky and handling could risk the pups and cause her stress. The pups eyes will open at about 14-16 days then you can tame mum and babies together at that point.
You can keep her and the pups together till they are 4 weeks then the babies need sexed and moved in to one group of boys and one of girls. Mum needs a rest by then. Keep them in these groups till 6 weeks and then I would try and find them homes yourself. I would advise only homing them as single pups so nobody else gets in a fix like yours have. Wishing her a safe delivery and remember no peeking or touching the nest or her no matter how curious you may feel!

08-02-2017, 03:18 PM
A tote is a plastic bin? but I'll just keep them where they are for now and use my best judgement if/when I decide otherwise (probably won't move them)

No more playtime together.. that's extremely sad but understandable. :(

And no touching! Got it! and new thread started.

Thin Lizzy
08-02-2017, 09:41 PM
Hi MissTiffers & welcome to HC. Souffle has said it all. You were given bad advice but now you're a member be rest assured you'll get the correct and best advice.
They really are beautiful!

08-03-2017, 12:04 AM
Thank you so much! And just in the nick of time. She is giving birth right now!!! :D

08-03-2017, 12:21 AM
Oh well 1 to 4 days was a good estimate then!

08-03-2017, 01:33 AM
Oh poor little girl! How irresponsible of that pet store. She's likely only a baby herself and now having pups of her own. Not to mention the fact that Syrians are solitary and they could have ended up fighting to the death. The fact that they are still young was probably the only thing keeping them from getting territorial and fighting.

Don’t worry, you 100% did the right thing by separating them. If you hadn’t you would have woken up one day most likely to find one or both hamsters dead. They won’t miss each other as Syrians are by nature solitary and do not want or need company.

Don’t feel guilty for having kept them together, either. You weren’t to know. The pet shop should have been better informed. Well done for separating them!

I do hope the birth goes well. Young mums can have difficulties so I will say a quick prayer.

I'm glad you found this forum. It's definitely a much better resource to rely on for information than pet stores!

Welcome, by the way. Hope to hear all about Mr and Mrs Cuddlesworth and the Cuddlesworth Jrs.

By the way, brilliant names!

08-15-2017, 04:41 PM
Hi and welcome to HC! I'm glad that Souffle has given you such wonderful, informative advice. Good luck to you, Mr. and Mrs. Cuddlesworth, and the Cuddlesworth pups. I'll be praying for them to all be fine. The parents are gorgeous, btw.