View Full Version : Hi! I'm new to the forum!

Miss Kim
07-15-2017, 06:17 PM
Hi! I'm new to the forum! I can't wait to start learning here! I'm a new hamster owner and am looking for resources, so that I can be a great hamster mom! I've already learned so much! What an amazing community! :D

07-16-2017, 09:36 AM
Hi there! Welcome to the forum! :D

Hamster Central is a great place to find all kinds of hamster information. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :)

07-16-2017, 09:37 AM
Welcome. Hope you can get the info you need.

Cinnamon Bear
07-16-2017, 10:08 AM
Welcome, hope you enjoy & have fun learning and sharing :)

07-16-2017, 10:18 AM
Hello and welcome aboard!

If you ever have any questions, please ask :) Hope to see you around

07-16-2017, 11:36 AM
Welcome! A lot of helpful people here with terrific information and fantastic pictures.

07-16-2017, 10:37 PM
Hi & welcome to HC :)

Ruth Edwards
07-16-2017, 10:43 PM
Tell us about your Hammy, Miss Kim.

07-17-2017, 03:55 AM
Hello and welcome to HC :)

Thin Lizzy
07-17-2017, 08:28 PM
Hi and welcome to HC.

07-18-2017, 07:35 AM
Hello and Welcome to Hamster Central!

07-18-2017, 03:37 PM
Hello and welcome to HC :)

Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet

07-23-2017, 12:01 AM
Hi and welcome to HC, Miss Kim. I look forward to seeing you around the forum. There is tons of wonderful information throughout this forum. Also, if you have any specific questions, never hesitate to ask because we are all here for one another and each other's pets. Eros says, "Hi!". :)