View Full Version : Newbie to hamster central.

06-21-2017, 12:36 PM
Hi all,

What an amazing place for care info, advice and people who understand that a hamster is an amazing little pet!!

Thought I'd join up after losing my 3rd hamster Spud, I was so upset at the loss I wasn't myself for at least 3 days (still upsetting but easier to put up the front now) and I found people just didn't understand because "it's only a hamster". So glad to see the compassion and understanding in theses threads!

A week on I just had to get another little fellow to pass the love on to, so Moley has come home with us.

I'm generally an animal person, living in a second floor flat I feel I only have the space to keep hamsters currently but would love to expand the pet family one day!!

Looking forward to keeping up with the latest tips and forums and getting chatting to like minded animal people!

06-21-2017, 01:11 PM
Hello and welcome :-) So sorry about your little Spud going to the rainbow bridge - these little creatures bond with us and have a place in our hearts.

Very much looking forward to meeting Moley. What a great name! Is he black by any chance?

06-21-2017, 01:15 PM
Welcome to HC!

I'm so sorry to hear that little Spud passed. I'm sure he held a special place in your heart. I've found that any animal you bond with- whether it be a 100 lb dog or a tiny robo hamster- it is always hard when they leave you. Some people don't understand that because they've never owned small pets before. Have fun at the Rainbow bridge Spud!

Looking forward to hearing about Moley! I'm sure he's adorable!

06-21-2017, 01:20 PM
Welcome. I like the name. One of my past hamsters had babies and I named one Mosley, due to his colour and habit of creating mole hills in his substrate.

Looking forward to hearing about him.

06-21-2017, 01:26 PM
Hello and welcome to HC!

I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of Spud :( It's very hard losing our little ones, regardless of their size! Play well at the bridge little one X

I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy this forum, it's a wonderful community :)

06-21-2017, 01:32 PM
Thanks everyone for the replies and the understanding all ready!

Moley is a golden hammy but he's more like a light brown and adorable! My 8 year old had the name in mind before we found him but he suits it!! I'll nip over to the hammy intro post then I was on the hunt for ideas on keeping these little guys cool in this weather!

I'm sure I'll find you all on other posts :)

06-21-2017, 10:13 PM
Hi & welcome to HC :)

So sorry to hear about Spud going to the bridge, glad you have little Moley now.

Thin Lizzy
06-22-2017, 04:53 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear about Spud, they have such huge impact in our lives and when they go they leave a huge hole in our hearts.
Congratulations on Moley.

06-22-2017, 05:23 AM
Hi and welcome to HC, Caggy! I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of Spud, and I'm sad that people weren't more sympathetic to your feelings of mourning. Unfortunately, some people just don't understand the truly amazing impact that our little furry friends have in our lives and hearts. Hugs to you and your 8-year old! Rest in peace, little Spud. May you run free and happy in the huge hammy wheel in the sky. Have plenty of wonderful adventures at the Rainbow Bridge, and please watch over your loving family who misses you.

Congrats on getting adorable Moley. I know that Spud would be happy that you were able to find such a special hammy to love and give a forever home to. I posted on Moley's Syrian thread. He is truly such a handsome guy. I love that your 8 year old chose the perfect name for him even before Moley came into your lives. How sweet!

I look forward to seeing you around in the forum and am so happy that you are now part of our close knit, caring HC family! If you ever have any questions, please always feel free to ask. Eros waves her furry paw to you, your 8 year old, and (of course) Moley! :)