View Full Version : Transition home-diet questions

05-26-2017, 10:31 AM
I've done a ton of research, but wanted to make sure I treat my first Syrian right. (My other babies were a Winter White and Chinese dwarf).

I am planning on feeding my Marshmallow Carefresh and Higgins per AmityvillleHams rec and a quarter size serving of vegetables 4 times per week. Quarter sized fruit 2 times per week.

Freeze dried chicken- Pure Bites But how many times per week and how much?
Same question for dried meal worms?

My biggest question is how to transition her from the Kaytee bites she was sent home with (I know...) to the good stuff? I want so the right thing by her digestive tract. She seems stressed in these first few days.

And what is the consensus on hay? I always bought hay thinking I had to. But I see some don't think it necessary for hammies.

Thank you so much! You've helped my worry with great suggestions all over this forum.

05-27-2017, 02:57 PM
Hello and welcome to HC!

For the pure bites and mealworms, if you're using this as a protein booster, you'll need to find the GA of the mealworms package and mix it by weight with the main diet you're using. This allows you to ensure you aren't throwing off the GA wildly when mixing

As for transitioning, it's not all that difficult. Some hamsters do just fine without any transitioning to be honest! Here's the regiment that I've always followed

Week 1: 75% old food 25% new
Week 2: 50% old 50% new
Week 3: 25% old 75% new
Week 4: 100% new

Most hamsters won't eat hay, or will only occasionally have a little snack of it. It's not necessary as it doesn't provide any nutritional benefit, but I always recommend hay in hamster cages. Not only do hamsters enjoying digging about in it to forage for their food, but it also holds tunnels very well, and makes the cage smell better overall. Besides that, they obviously can eat it which will offer them more fiber.

Good luck with your new Syrian, if you have any other questions, please ask :)

05-27-2017, 06:24 PM
Hay really isn't necessary and can be quite harmful in some situations.You're never going to get the same opinion from every person on that though,as everyone thinks differently regarding hay however with an appropriate substrate that already holds burrows properly on its own there is absolutely no need to add anything extra to hold burrows.Kaytee Clean and Cozy for example holds burrows perfectly so hay would be pointless,not to mention all the other benefits that it brings.

In such a case I would not transition at all.Go straight to the appropriate food,but make sure to offer pureed pumpkin with high quality probiotics(no digest/derivatives/other unspecified biproducts in any form,no dyes,no artificial flavors,and also no maltodextrin/dextrose/sorbitol/etc).To feed such a terrible food even for a short amount of time just isn't worth it,since digestive upsets are preventable with other methods rather than wasting time giving something that would really not have any value to your hamster.

05-27-2017, 11:17 PM
You don't have to give hay but it is a form of enrichment, just be sure to check it over for any sharp bits & remove those & freeze it for at least 48 hrs, preferably a week before use to avoid any mite/bug problems.

05-29-2017, 06:43 PM
So if I feed the freeze dried chicken, how much per week of the Pure bites or Eggs or mealworms? And sorry, what is GA? Was starting the Higgins and the Carefresh mix as well. Veggies every other night.

Great advice on hay and transitioning. I've browsed this site and your advice here and throughout on all subjects has been invaluable! I've found my Marshmallow doesn't like the small bits in her Higgins mix either.
Thanks again!