View Full Version : Frantic few minutes with hoard

01-02-2017, 02:44 PM
I think I've got the solution to this funny behaviour -

I was spot cleaning Hammie's cage and he wanted his nesting hoard but I had put the house back, so I replaced it with some food. He took the food and kept it as a hoard in his cheeks (this is totally irrelevent but he always pees on his hoard *grr*). Lol. Anyway, for the next 5 minutes he was sprinting around his cage in and out of his 2 nests, he just didn't settle. I think it's because I was watching him. i just found this quite funny to share, he's completely calm now.

Thin Lizzy
01-02-2017, 09:22 PM
Aww! He was worried you might steal his hoard if he empties his pouches. What a little sweetheart!