View Full Version : ? about sticks

03-09-2005, 04:30 PM
hello I was wondering about the Vitakraft sticks for hamster. I had got a package from a pet store and put one in each cage for my hamsters. The package said there should be one at all times in the cage. My hamsters seem to like it - one ate the whole stick even with feeding them everyday. I was just wondering if anyone else uses them or if you should always have one in the cage. thanks.


03-09-2005, 04:33 PM
Is this a food stick or a gnaw stick?

03-09-2005, 04:42 PM
I keep one in at all times. Sometimes they chew on the stick, sometimes not, but it is alright for them. I t helps to keep their teeth healthy. Clover likes the popcorn ones, the other two like the nut stick.

03-09-2005, 05:03 PM
OK just wanted to make sure... I think I had the fruit one I don't remember exactly. I give them yogurt drops also. I have a mix of food that we give them. We are still learning things.

03-09-2005, 06:15 PM
I would keep one in at all times. Oh, and how long did it take for them to eat one?

03-09-2005, 06:16 PM
I use these seeds/fruits on stick treats occasionally - some hams do love them. You certaintly don't need to have on in the cage at all times though, thats a manufacturer taking a little advantage of pet owners I think! I use them as occasional treats just as I use fresh fruits, veg, and other treats.

03-10-2005, 04:12 PM
I am not a fan of these gimmicks - they are not good for your little one's teeth due to their excessively high sugar content - if you are worried about length then a nice plain dog biscuit is equally, or even more effective, and are often cheaper. A great bone is manufactured by Nylabone - it is made from potato starch and completely safe for our little ones - no spices, onions, garlic or charcoal etc added. I like to put mine in the oven for 15 mns to give it a crispier texture. It is absolutely priceless watching them carrying their bone around the cage :!: You can break them into smaller pieces for Dwarves and Chinese hamsters but this is not necessary.

A final word of warning - be careful of giving Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamsters too much sugar due to their propensity to develop diabetes.

03-02-2012, 02:58 PM
Dusty adored rose petal sticks but they no longer make them. His favourite now is strawberry sticks and dandelion and fennel.

03-02-2012, 03:39 PM
This is a 7 year old thread, Lynternette! An impressive find :D

03-02-2012, 03:55 PM
I never realised! I dread to think how many I've read while I've been incapacitated. I've learned so much!