View Full Version : This toy ...

03-11-2016, 06:08 AM
I ordered this log for Sweep

Hamster Hut Natural Chew Toy (Web Exclusive) | Pets At Home (http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/small-pet/small-pet/hamster-homes/bird-kabob-hamster-hut-%28online-only%29)

It arrived today, but I wanted to ask about it. When I ordered it I stupidly didn't read the entire description, and had thought it was just a log with a hole in the middle - that is what the picture looks like! So I was a little surprized when it turned up this morning to find the hole isn't actually a hole! It has some sort of soft center. So, I have popped back onto their site, and it says :

"Let your hamster enjoy chewing until his/her hearts content on a natural and safe product which keeps them busy and entertained. The Hamster Hut is the perfect way to help satisfy your hamsters natural urge to chew. Made from a soft, chewable fibrous wood with a harder outer bark it is irresistible to small animals including hamsters, they can happily chew away and shred up the soft inner wood until eventually they have a fun play house which they can run and climb through. Being a 100% natural product it is biodegradable, making it totally earth friendly as the wood is harvested from a renewable source."

My question is, is it safe to give to him? I don't really know what "fibrous wood" means ...

Cinnamon Bear
03-11-2016, 07:22 AM
It sounds fine, but I would read the packaging & look for any pine ingredients, if so I'd return it. If you feel that it's not safe (as I can't obviously see the toy) I'd just return it unless you would lose money & u therefore might as well keep it

It only got 1 star review out of 5, saying it's not a great design. But they didn't mention the safety of the product. Maybe somebody else owns one of these toys & can further comment?

03-11-2016, 07:34 AM
I have seen those and my niece has used that one and some with seeds in for her Chinese hamster and the hamster loved it and it hasn't become ill. The hole, after the middle has been chewed is a bit small for a Syrian when full grown though may be small enough for a young Syrian. It could be used for climbing on or as a step. You could hide treats, food or paper for Sweeps next in the hole so he can gather it himself.