View Full Version : Hamster eye issue diagnosis needed

10-03-2015, 06:54 PM
My friend's hamster has an eye growth, perhaps a cyst or some kind of growth. She has already taken him to the vet but his condition has not been resolved with antibiotics and eye drops. I'm attaching a photo below, please help! The hamster is approximately 11 months and healthy otherwise.

10-03-2015, 06:58 PM
Drops the hamster was given were ofloxacin .3 percent and the medicine is meloxicam. He has had this problem for about three months.

10-03-2015, 06:59 PM
I am not a vet, but if antibiotics didn't help it may be a tumour, as they are fairly common in hamsters, especially those from pet stores.

10-03-2015, 07:03 PM
That was my thought too. Is there anyway she can research the cost of surgical removal here in the states (northern Virginia/DC area) it would be good for her to know what she is getting into cost wise before making another vet appointment.

10-03-2015, 07:08 PM
With some quick research on Google I can tell you that it will cost "Around $200"

10-03-2015, 07:14 PM
Thanks for doing this. I wasn't sure if the cost would vary depending on the region. I'm not sure how much luck she will have calling vets to ask before an appointment. I wonder if the previous vet would discount her for the surgery considering they misdiagnosed most likely

Nancy's Hamsters
10-03-2015, 07:29 PM
First I don't think the Vet misdiagnoised as if the tissue above the eye was from a infection then the first step would be to administer Antibiotics. The Vet was trying to determine if it was and abscess first instead of charging a large fee for a surgery which wasn't needed.

Not to scare but if it is found it is a tumor it is high risk to be cancerous and may require him losing the whole eye(especially if the tumor is attached to the optic nerve). At 11 months, and if my pet I would just let him live out his life unless the growth starts causing more problems like he can't close his eye or if the growth starts growing rapidly. Not to say at 11 months he couldn't handle the heavy stresses of surgery but he may not be able to handle the after surgery stresses and not survive. The call would be up to your friend and her Vet on which is the best action to take with this Hamster.

10-03-2015, 09:21 PM
Jess- No problem, but I think nancy is right about it not being misdiagnosed.

Nancy- I'm going to mirror what you said, I would just let him live with it unless it causes problems, but it's up to your friend to decide.

10-04-2015, 06:22 AM
Thank you for the responses. I did ask her to consider his age and the impact of surgery. The problem is the growth is well, growing. At this point he is still a happy ham. I will connect her to this link and my suggestion would be to take him back if or when he is suffering from it. I think at that point she may have to make the decision to have him put down.

10-04-2015, 12:33 PM
my last hamster was only 11 weeks old when I lost him to what started like this, the vets tried treating him with antibiotics thinking it was just an infection but over the course of a few weeks it started getting a lot larger and the whole side of his face swelled, it was an inoperable tumour, really keep an eye on him.

10-04-2015, 12:34 PM
forgot to say his was under his eye though