View Full Version : Conjunctivitis.

09-03-2015, 03:06 AM
Our cheeky hamster has gone and gotten conjunctives in one of her wee eyes. Vet has seen it and has given us eye drops, so she is getting treated. She informed me it could be her bedding, however all her bedding / sawdust is dust extracted.

She is cleaned out every three weeks and spot checked every day. She also has a massive sand bath where she can dig. She loves it and often just sits in it and rolls around, so I am hoping the sand isn't the cause. It's chinchilla sand also dust extracted.

Any advice?

09-03-2015, 03:51 AM
Conjunctivitis is a bit of a blanket term for an irritated or possibly infected eye really & there's no way to be sure what may have caused it, sand baths don't usually cause a problem with their eyes, wood shavings isn't really the softest substrate so it is possible she could have got a bit in her eye as long as it's a good brand it shouldn't be an ongoing problem if it was that, the only way to be totally sure is to maybe switch to a soft paper based bedding like Fitch.
It could just be a one off thing, hard to tell really. I'd be inclined to just use the drops until it's cleared up & see how she goes.

09-03-2015, 04:21 AM
Just as cypher suggested. I would be inclined to remove the sand while she is being treated though just in case any sand irritates. I`ve used sand myself in the past (Charlie Chinchilla sand, not the dust) but stopped using it for other reasons. Namely, drying the skin of two roborovski hamsters I had. My Russian dwarf has never been near sand in his entire life and his coat is as good as the day he came to live with me.

The drops the vet prescribed might help, but eye issues can be a nightmare sometimes especially if they involve the eyelids rather than the eye itself. You said `sawdust`? Did you mean wood shavings? Just wanted to clarify really as sawdust should never be used. It`s more dust than anything else. Fitch as cypher suggested is really good, as is Supreme Cosi n Dri if you wanted an alternative. x

09-03-2015, 09:36 AM
Just as cypher suggested. I would be inclined to remove the sand while she is being treated though just in case any sand irritates. I`ve used sand myself in the past (Charlie Chinchilla sand, not the dust) but stopped using it for other reasons. Namely, drying the skin of two roborovski hamsters I had. My Russian dwarf has never been near sand in his entire life and his coat is as good as the day he came to live with me.

The drops the vet prescribed might help, but eye issues can be a nightmare sometimes especially if they involve the eyelids rather than the eye itself. You said `sawdust`? Did you mean wood shavings? Just wanted to clarify really as sawdust should never be used. It`s more dust than anything else. Fitch as cypher suggested is really good, as is Supreme Cosi n Dri if you wanted an alternative. x

Sorry I meant wood shavings. The Pets @ home kind, I usually call it saw dust for handiness. I might remove the sand for the time being but I can't see it being the issue. I am also using pets @ home bedding, however bought a more expensive form of it for her when I was in this morning. I am going to start giving her bits of unscented tissue for training tonight, would they be okay? It's just normal, unscented kleenex.

She currently seems to just want to sleep and ignore me, won't come out even to take a treat from me. I think she's holding a grudge...

Thin Lizzy
09-03-2015, 07:32 PM
What bedding are you using from P@H?
Avoid the wool type as they're dangerous for hams. I know P@H have got another wool bedding out which is softer but this is unsuitable. The best bedding you can provide is toilet paper, hams have a lot of fun ripping it up for nests.

09-03-2015, 10:29 PM
I would just stick to lots of shredded toilet tissue for nesting material, they love it & it's the safest thing for them.
Kleenex don't break down as easily as toilet tissue so are best avoided, just the cheap plain white unscented toilet tissue is the best thing.

09-04-2015, 05:48 AM
Oh I didn't know that kleenex didn't break down! Thank you for informing me. I am using a tissue paper based one from Pets @ home, not unlike Fitch. I NEVER use cotton - I couldn't live with myself if it caused her harm.

She's just got her first dose of the day, took it like a champ and me and hubby are so proud of her. She's built herself a new house during the night (as always) so she has placed herself on top of a mound of shavings and tissue. She's doing so well with these treatments.

09-04-2015, 05:52 AM
Bless her! Glad to hear she's doing well.

Just a tip for using any paper/tissue for nesting (not substrate) try putting a piece in water, if it breaks down into mush it's safe.

09-04-2015, 01:57 PM
Ah thats a good idea! We have cheap toilet paper from £ land so we are going to use it for her. The unscented stuff can mask our scent can't it? We have it as well but we're using it for our own bathroom needs.

09-04-2015, 10:40 PM
Confused lol! did you mean scented stuff can mask our scent rather than unscented?!
You need to avoid scented anything really, most smells are far too strong for them & some things could possibly be harmful.

09-05-2015, 03:46 PM
Yeah I meant scented! Sorry! My head was so messed up this morning XD

Here is some photos of her after this afternoons treatment :( They look horrible and make her eye look much worse because of where the drops have landed on her fur.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/11997019_10153525328088286_700821226_n.jpg?oh=50c0 aeba7306876040ad1202cbaab504&oe=55EDD3BE

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/11998755_10153525327533286_1288441889_n.jpg?oh=1c7 4957cc8cf43f8cff9e6f54b7de706&oe=55EDF2B4

09-05-2015, 10:59 PM
It does look quite sore poor girl, I know what you mean about the drops, I have to put them in Mickle's eye from time to time & it always looks so much worse afterwards!
Hope they do the trick though & it's all better soon.

Thin Lizzy
09-06-2015, 01:20 AM
Aww that looks sore, the wee love. Fingers crossed it clears up real soon.

09-07-2015, 02:24 PM
Hi guys! We are still treating the eye twice a day with eye drops and have removed the sand bath. It has only been two weeks since the cage was cleaned but we are going to completely clean it tonight just in case the saw dust is the issue. Her eye looks like it has a sort of scab in the corner but is certainly more open and better looking. Is this a good sign? I'll get a photo late when she is up and the cage is fixed :)

Also would it be okay to give her a square tissue box as a hidey - hole?

Thin Lizzy
09-07-2015, 07:11 PM
The tissue box will be fine for a hidey hole.
It sounds like the eye is starting to heal but, be sure to complete the course.
You're doing a grand job.

09-07-2015, 10:57 PM
It does sound as though the eye is improving, good news!
I agree a tissue box would be fine, she'll probably really like that.

09-13-2015, 10:45 AM
So the eye looks worse. We moved to using the eye drops once a day once it started to clear up and now it looks worse. Going to use the whole thing over the next few days with twice a day treatments and if it doesn't clear up my fiance or I will have to take her to the vet again.

09-13-2015, 10:59 AM
She is also making what sounds like growling noises at us when we go near her during the day.

Thin Lizzy
09-13-2015, 06:13 PM
Aww the poor love. I would do that also, use the drops up twice daily. Her growling at you is her way of expressing her feelings, it's obviously uncomfortable and sore. I hope she's feeling better soon.,

09-13-2015, 10:33 PM
If her eye really looks worse rather than just not improving & she's making noises that would seem to indicate she's unhappy or uncomfortable I think another trip to the vet would be a good idea, they may be able to give a different medication that will work better.

Thin Lizzy
09-14-2015, 07:09 AM
I agree with Cypher that another visit to the vet is needed and maybe a different medicine.

09-16-2015, 02:15 PM
Another trip is arranged. I had a cousin die on Monday so I have been down home and unable to take her. She desperately needs to go! She has been lethargic when in her cage, but more than happy to use her ball. I also was cleaning her bed out today and noticed mould on the dry food. Now, I check her hiding place every other day as not to annoy her and it wasn't like that before I left on Monday. I am so worried about her. I am such a terrible hamster mum.