View Full Version : Bottle Rage Continuation

08-13-2015, 12:49 AM
So, i went and bought her another bottle, and shes attacking that one too. So by this point im assuming it's not the bottle, but just her trying to signal she wants out.

My worry is, shes fitting so much with the bottle that it seems like she isn't actually drinking water. So i placed a water bowl just in case. My worry is, on the off chance both me and my guy have to be away for a night or 2, if she is smart enough to understand she needs to drink?

The water dish is changed every day, and the water in the bottle every other day.

08-13-2015, 12:58 AM
Critters should always be looked after by someone while away, as anything can happen. A water bottle could quit working and a water bowl is no guarantee, as it can fill with substrate or the hamster could get soaked in it. It could also tip over, though there are ways to prevent that, such as a velcro dot added to the bottom of the bowl and a piece of tile. I had to do this with Penny for a while when she had an obsession with climbing her bottle to chew the top of her tank. I haven't read your other posts, but by attacking, do you mean excessively biting it? Is water coming out if you tap your finger at the end? Mine only attack their bottle when no water is coming out. If that's an issue, you can loosen the cap a bit (but not too much or it will drip out completely). If she is just chewing on her bottle tip and water is coming out, is there something else in her environment that could be stressing her out or lack of other things to chew on? If she is new and chewing on the bottle (and bottle is working), I'd just leave it alone and give her some time to settle down.

08-13-2015, 01:30 AM
She isn't new, i've had her since May, shes in a duna multy (the 99cm wide one) and nothing in her cage changed. She just started suddenly to do that. The bottle works fine, and i even tried getting a diff bottle. I even loosened up the top a bit. She has plenty of chew toys, and she does chew on her whimzee.

She is chewing the bottle tip, and pulling at it (the place where the water is placed is sometimes a chewing spot for her). The bottle is on the outside, with just the tip jotting in through the hole. The bottle is secure, so she can't top it over or anything. And the bowl is quite heavy, and so far shes not sat on it or thrown substrate. Just drank and dipped her paws.

08-13-2015, 03:26 AM
So she's just able to chew a metal tip?

08-13-2015, 04:07 AM
Yep. The spout basically. She chews it, and pulls it really violently, the bottle smacks on the other side. So that's why im worried shes not actually drinking from it, since it just seems like she is getting her fur wet around the mouth.

08-13-2015, 05:34 AM
You need to take the bottle off and just use the bowl for now. She will be taking in too much water spout chewing (is she weeing a lot?) You can dangle the bottle from the roof to try as they can't get a grip to chew it that way but can still lick to drink usually.
Moving the bottle higher or lower or to a different spot sometimes works too. What we do is use a bowl only for at least 4 weeks. Next add the bottle back but only during the day when they just get up for a quick drink. If that goes well leave it in till you go to bed then off overnight. (you still keep the bowl during these times of course) Eventually hopefully the bottle can move back permanently. Try clipping a wooden clothes peg for her to chew on. Easy to replace and safe to chew!

08-13-2015, 05:53 AM
I'll try to do that. AT least the dangling bit. If i am to move the bottle higher or lower, it means i have to find a way to secure it on the inside of the tank. But hopefully i can move the hooks i have attached. I can't attached pegs to that spot, but maybe a couple of those wood cylinders that are used when you build furniture...

Weeing is normal, have not seen any signs of it being too much, and her bottom looks ok. I check her every 2-3 days. Other than that, she eats fine, plays, runs etc. Then when it gets quiet in the house she starts attacking the spout.

08-13-2015, 05:57 AM
Souffle has the voice of experience Plumcore. It sounds like you need to break the habit. I'd try removing the bottle and usuing the bowl while you figure out another way to attach the bottle. Keep an eye on to be sure she uses the bowl once the bottle is gone. Silly hammies. xx :)

08-14-2015, 12:27 AM
I tried dangling the bottle last evening, she paid no interest in it. It was like she didn't know what it was for. She kept going to the spot where it used to be, and just puff where the hole is.

08-14-2015, 06:46 AM
Ha, do you think that's proof it's just some kind of mad habit?

08-14-2015, 07:20 AM
Mmmaybe? It seems she misses chewing the spout, or she no longer has the option to make a racket when she gets put back in the cage. :)) We will see how things develop over the next few days.

08-16-2015, 01:12 AM
SUCCESS! 2 days now, and no attacking, just normal drinking. I also cleaned her cage today, and saw she started peeing and pooping in her nest. So that's something else i need to keep an eye out for. But that is manageable.

08-16-2015, 02:27 AM
Yay! Is the bottle still swinging? Does she drink from it that way? Her rage reminds me of a dog playing "tug", it's no fun when you let go. :)
Some people have a toilet in the ham-house and that works. Rodipet has some great looking multi-room houses so there is room for a toilet and room for a hoard too.
Here's some: Häuser Rodipet® Labyrinth (http://www.rodipet.de/shop/haeuser/rodipet-labyrinth/)
Not sure about the size you need.

ETA this one looks Sryian sized http://www.rodipet.de/shop/haeuser/rodipet-granit-nagerbau-talalin.html and if you scroll down has a toilet you can get too!

Oh I can't stop now ;)

If you go to 9:53 she unpacks a Rodipet house and toilet and you can see the size is decent (although she has some trouble putting the tops on correctly at first-- they fit perfectly once she figures it out)

08-19-2015, 02:25 AM
Oddly enough, shes not using the swinging one, but the regular. I wonder if it was because i cleaned her entire cage. Or maybe it's just being a teenage rebel. Can she be considered a teenager at 4 months?

08-19-2015, 06:02 AM
Well with some quick and unscientific calculations I get about 3 human years per month for a Hamster. So your girl is quite possibly in early teenhood given my rough figuring. :)

08-19-2015, 10:42 AM
Hahhaaa...oh lord. It's gonna start soon. :))