View Full Version : Hamster Age

08-09-2015, 03:36 AM
Im wondering if we can determine a hamster's age by its size?
My syrian hamster I bought at a pet store is about 5-6 cm. Can someone tell her age? and when will she grew to her maximum size? thank you..

08-09-2015, 03:43 AM
She sounds very young still at that small size. I don`t keep Syrians just a dwarf hamster, but I would guess (and it is just a guess) she might be around six weeks old at most? Syrian females can get quite big and her cage and wheel will have to suit her size as she grows. Right now, she should be having a good hamster mix with high protein content of around 18 - 21% as she`s growing. It`s difficult to say how large she will grow to as some hamsters stay small while others become quite large. Show type Syrians are usually bigger Syrians than your average pet store hamster though. x

08-09-2015, 09:12 AM
thank you :)