View Full Version : Larrys eye

07-24-2015, 05:29 AM

I've noticed over the past 48 hours that one of Larry's eyes are closed when he comes out of his house. I think it's after he's just woken up. I tried to take a picture but then it opened fully. I fed him broccoli the other day and think it may be that, unless it's just a coincidence. It doesn't look sore/puffy. I was thinking that there might be something in there but if that was the case his eye would be constantly closed not just every now and then.
I haven't changed anything in his cage so there's nothing new in there.

Does anyone have any ideas or will it just eventually go away?

07-24-2015, 06:10 AM
I doubt a small piece of broccoli would affect his eye. It sounds more likely that he`s got something irritating it or the eyelids could be stuck due to over sleeping. Either way, if one eye isn`t fully open or you think he`s done something to it, I would keep an eye on things and only bath the eye with a cotton swab if it becomes fully stuck shut with warm tepid water and a cotton pad, but if he seems irritated or he`s scratching at it a lot and you can see something is wrong, I would get long to the vet who will look closer at it and be able to use drops or tell you if there is anything going on. x

07-24-2015, 06:15 AM
It must be due to over sleeping if it's only like that when he wakes up but I'll keep my eye on him and if it happens again/get's stuck I'll clean it. He doesn't seem to be scratching it or trying to clean it and it isn't affecting him so I'm sure it's not bothering him too much. thanks

07-24-2015, 06:24 AM
Another good tip would be to get a close up with a magnifying glass. If he will sit still! These are great at getting a close up of eyes or fur or anything that needs closer inspection. x

07-24-2015, 06:30 AM
It sounds very similar to the problem Mickle has with her eye, she began to wake up with one eye closed although it would open soon after she'd been up & about for a while it kept happening.
My vet had a look at her & one of her eyelids doesn't work properly so I had to put drops in once or twice a day, after a couple of weeks of that there's a big improvement even without the drops but I don't think it'll ever be 100% ok as it's more of a functional problem than anything.
If bathing the eye doesn't seem to be making a difference then I'd definitely get the vet to have a look to be sure what's going on.

candice clews
07-24-2015, 07:05 AM
Fudges is sometimes the same too. Its just sticky (sleet)! Nothing to worry about. We leave fudge to open it himself and after about an hour if its still shut then we use a little drop of warm water on it with a cotton bud.

07-27-2015, 02:10 PM
Hi, just a quick update. I think whatever it was has gone but thanks for all your advice I will remember it if it happens again :)