View Full Version : Please help

07-21-2015, 06:24 AM
Hi everyone, I hope you guys can help me.

I have had my hamster since November and everything has been going fine.
But for the last few days I have felt like he has not been himself, so I got him out last night and noticed I could feel his spine and hips (he does still have a belly) and he is walking about slower than normal and with a hunch.
I checked his bum and it's completely dry, however he did seem to have a small amount of poo stuck outside/inside his bum so I gently cleaned as much as I could without causing any problems. I then fed him a little bit of cucumber and strawberry to try and help with his pooing in case he is a little constipated. He is still very much interested in his food and does still move around quite a bit.

I read that the hunch could be because of a draught? I will admit I have had my window open a bit the past few days because it's been very warm in the UK but he isn't right next to my window, he is over the opposite side of my room.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why my little guy is acting like the hunchback of Notre dam? :confused:

Thank you.

07-21-2015, 06:29 AM
If they are hunched up it's usually a sign that they are ill, it's unlikely to be from a draught, it sounds as though he's probably lost weight too if you can feel his spine & hips.
If he's still eating ok that's always a good sign but he doesn't really sound well from your description.
It may well be worth taking him to the vet for a check.

07-21-2015, 07:32 AM
When you say he`s `hunched`, is it that due to him losing weight his walk/balance seems more pronounced? Or is he actually walking as if he`s holding himself awkward? Rapid weight loss is never a good thing but if you have checked him daily, you may have noticed him looking smaller or thinner. But as cypher sais, is he eating eagerly? Is he acting his normal self or are you concerned that this looks different to his normal self?

Does he get fresh veg like broccoli, garden pea, a small piece of carrot etc? What dry mix do you feed him and is it combined with other mixes? Keep him hydrated and keep a close eye on him for 24 hours unless you feel he needs attention today. x

07-21-2015, 07:46 AM
He is walking with a hunch. Maybe this is why his spine is more pronounced than usual?
I can hear him eating in his bed like I always have and he will come out to collect some more food like he usually does too. Everything about him seems normal apart from his hunched back. He seems a little more sleepy than normal too.
I try to give him fresh veg/fruit once a week and I feed him the supreme harry hamster mix only.

07-21-2015, 07:51 AM
He`s eating his own food so number one, that`s good. The hunching may be due to him feeling something you can`t see. If his poo is softer than usual, he may have a tummy upset or sometimes hamsters can get illness due to ageing or just tough infection or something internal going on. If he`s used to having a little veg or a piece of apple, then he shouldn`t react to that. Wash and peel anything he gets though.

Is he a Syrian or dwarf hamster and what age is he?

07-21-2015, 07:57 AM
I was wondering about his age too, if he was a baby when you got him he's still young & wouldn't be showing signs of age yet.
He may be lacking something in his diet & I would slowly increase his veg to daily, just small pieces of a variety of safe veg.
The hunching really doesn't sound good though & they are quite good at hiding signs of illness or injury so keep a close eye on him, if he doesn't improve I would still get a vet to have a look.

07-21-2015, 08:52 AM
He's a syrian. He must have been around 8 weeks old when I got him, so he will be about 10/11 months old? I will keep an eye on him. I have kept the window in my room shut all day too so there will be no chills in there.
If his hunched back doesn't go back to normal soon I will definitely be taking him to see a vet. :(

07-21-2015, 09:28 AM
He`s not old then so hopefully he may just rest and feel better in a day or two, but if you see any deterioration in his behaviour like stops eating or refuses a small treat he normally likes, this may indicate something is worsening so you know then to take action. Really hope he`s just under the weather and feels better soon. x

07-29-2015, 02:42 PM
Just thought I would update you guys - I took him to the vets and he has a tumour :( the vet said they can't operate as the anaesthetic would kill him. She also said he seems happy enough and to just keep taking care of him as best I can. I'm feeding him all of his favourite things and trying to make him as comfortable as possible. Hopefully when he does go, he goes peacefully and doesn't suffer. :cry:

07-29-2015, 04:04 PM
So sorry to hear that. I'm sure he will be happy with your love and attention. If he starts seeming to be suffering or in pain though it might be kinder to have him PTS and help him on his way.

07-29-2015, 10:48 PM
So sorry to hear your little one has a tumour, cherish the time you have left, keep him comfortable & spoil him rotten, that's about all you can do, hopefully he will be able to remain comfortable & happy for a while yet but I think you'll know if he is suffering & as Serendipity says it would be kinder & a sign of just how much you love him to help him on his way.

07-30-2015, 07:54 AM
Agree with Serendipity and cypher regarding palliative care now, it`s the nicest thing for him now, quiet and spoiled! Poor lad, it`s so upsetting when thy get ill or we know they don`t have long. But keep positive anyway and enjoy your good times together. x