View Full Version : is my hamster dying

07-19-2015, 04:57 AM
hello everyone i'm new to all this so apologies.

my little hamster beryl i think maybe dying,
she recently lost all her fur and it turned out it was she was alergic to some bamboo sticks i purchesed for her from the petshop, so i took them out and her furn started to come back in clumps and today when i came in from work my mum came and met me and said she had passed on, so came rushing home and she was still slightly breathing, i suspected she was older than the petshop may have sold her for given she was much larger than my other hamster hammy, beryl for the last few weeks has been very slow and ditherly on her legs and not playing as much and is just sleeping and eating/drinking
when i came and found her today from work she was hunched over cold and purple and her head was burried in her sawdust and her wee paws wher covering her nose and she wasnt breathing i sat and looked at her for ages to see if i could see any movement and she breathed about after 2 mins so i managed to move her a wee bit so she could get some aid and shes only breathing every couple of mins i feel in a way because what if she was trying to take her self out any kind of pain she was in but on the other hand id of hated not to do anything and her pass away can anone please advise me on anything as looking after hamsters is all new to me is this normal activit if they want to pass away or what?! :cry::cry::cry:

thank you in advance xx

07-19-2015, 02:00 PM
I would say call a vet and ask for advice. If she's cold to the touch warm her up, if you'v got a hot water bottle you can put her on top of that (not boiling water). If not you can warm her up with your hands that might help her.

Nancy's Hamsters
07-19-2015, 02:02 PM
It does sound like Beryl is prepared to pass on to the bridge. If Beryl is not in any pain and is comfortable in their nest I would just be sure they have as much calm and quite so they can peacefully go on to the bridge.

Hugs to you during this hard time for us as owners who want to help our pets as much as we possibly can.

07-19-2015, 02:11 PM
Thinking of you and little Beryl. Like Nancy has said - keep her warm and comfortable - give her some additional tissue. Place a little bit of baby food near her on a small plate and a nail size piece of banana or apple (just one fruit) in case she wants to eat. Tell her gently it is okay to go to the Rainbow Bridge. Loving vibes to the little fluff and you. Take care xxx

candice clews
07-19-2015, 02:41 PM
Definately sounds like she is making her way to the rainbow bridge x keep the room calm, give her cuddles and talk to her x hugs to you x

07-20-2015, 01:27 AM
From your description of how she is, cold body, not hardly breathing and burying herself in the substrate, I would say she is dying, yes. It`s best to leave them where they are during this time because their body is shutting down and lifting them up can shock them, it`s better to observe and only intervene if necessary.

How are things today? Is she still with you or did she pass? x

07-20-2015, 01:43 AM
So sorry your hammy is so poorly.

07-20-2015, 06:38 AM
Hello everyone,
thank you so much for all your replies it means alot! i hated my first post on here being a very sad post!
she sadly passed away a few hours after the post went up she passed on peacefully she's out of any pain she was in!
again thank you so much for your kind words of help!

I would say call a vet and ask for advice. If she's cold to the touch warm her up, if you'v got a hot water bottle you can put her on top of that (not boiling water). If not you can warm her up with your hands that might help her.

thank you for your advice it means alot, she sadly passed away not long after the post went up xx

It does sound like Beryl is prepared to pass on to the bridge. If Beryl is not in any pain and is comfortable in their nest I would just be sure they have as much calm and quite so they can peacefully go on to the bridge.

Hugs to you during this hard time for us as owners who want to help our pets as much as we possibly can.

thank you so much for your kind words of advice she sadly passed on shortly after the post went up xx

Thinking of you and little Beryl. Like Nancy has said - keep her warm and comfortable - give her some additional tissue. Place a little bit of baby food near her on a small plate and a nail size piece of banana or apple (just one fruit) in case she wants to eat. Tell her gently it is okay to go to the Rainbow Bridge. Loving vibes to the little fluff and you. Take care xxx

Thank you for your kind words of advice, she sadly passed on shortly after the post went up i kept telling her she was okay to let go and i kept her as warm as possible and stroked her xx

Definately sounds like she is making her way to the rainbow bridge x keep the room calm, give her cuddles and talk to her x hugs to you x

thank you for your kind words! beryl sadly passed away shortly after the post went up xx

From your description of how she is, cold body, not hardly breathing and burying herself in the substrate, I would say she is dying, yes. It`s best to leave them where they are during this time because their body is shutting down and lifting them up can shock them, it`s better to observe and only intervene if necessary.

How are things today? Is she still with you or did she pass? x

thank you for your kind words i kept her as warm as possible i kept her in her cage as before she used to hate me being in her cage unless i was putting her food in but she hated being held and stuff so i stroked her paws to see if i could get some kind of reaction from her i read online she may have possibly gone in to hibernation, as my heating in my house had gone at the time when she went! :( xx

So sorry your hammy is so poorly.

thank you for your kind words she passed away shortly after this post went up xx

07-20-2015, 07:07 AM
Sad to hear she lost her battle hammyandberyl. x

07-20-2015, 08:20 AM
So sorry for your loss hammyandberyl, it's always very hard to lose them but I'm glad she went peacefully & it's a comfort to know she's not suffering.

07-20-2015, 08:48 AM
She's painfree now and running free - hugs for you.

07-20-2015, 09:13 AM
thank you both! shes out of any pain she was in and your comments mean alot to me:) xx

07-20-2015, 09:36 AM
I'm sorry that you lost her but she was safe in her own bed and surrounded by love. Play well at the bridge little one xx

candice clews
07-23-2015, 02:22 AM
Awww rest in peace little one! Xx

07-23-2015, 02:56 AM
At least she is having a pain free and happy time running and having fun on the bridge. She must have had a brilliant time with you, as you seem to be such a great owner. Hugs