View Full Version : very infected wound

07-18-2015, 01:01 PM
So about a week and a half ago my syrian hamster suddenly got covered in sores. Most are small but theres a very big one on the stomach.

Went to the vet thursday and she prescribed antibiotics, which have not helped at all.

The wound on his stomach is very nasty looking its smelly and covered in pus.
I'v ordered some manuka honey which will arrive tomorrow and obviously hes on antibiotics and im cleaning his wound daily.

Im gonna ask for him to be referred to a rodent specialist Monday because the vet thursday didnt seem to know much. But what can the vet do for him? im so worried.

This is his stomach when i first noticed it

This is it nowhttp://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy22/taffyrabbit/2_zpsiw0ysx0m.jpg

07-18-2015, 01:20 PM
That does look nasty. I hope antibiotics do the trick. Did the vet say what might have caused it? Do you think he could have cut himself on something in the cage? Nails in a house or something? It doesn't sound like that though if he has other sores, it sounds like something breaking out that is getting infected. Fingers crossed the antibiotics and vet can help him make a full recovery.

07-18-2015, 01:29 PM
Does he have any fur loss or black patches on the skin? It does have the look of end stage Cushing's disease. I hope the meds help him. It can take several days to kick in and also if the bug is not sensitive may need changed.

07-18-2015, 01:29 PM
Honestly the vet was awful. she looked at him for a few seconds said it may be a skin infection. and said we can try him on anti biotics and anti inflammatorys.

Then when i went to pick up the meds they said anti inflammatory arnt licensed for hamsters so he can only have the anti biotics.

She didnt even have a proper look at his stomach. Thats why im thinking of going to a different vet monday.

Definitely hasnt cut himself nothing sharp in his cage, he has sores on his chin both ears, neck and stomach. The stomach is the worst though.

The neck and ear look like absecces to be honest there bloody lumps.

07-18-2015, 01:30 PM
Yes lots of black pigmentation everywhere, and hair loss on his stomach and ears.

07-18-2015, 01:37 PM
I think Souffle has it...that looks like Cushing's disease. I hope you can find an exotics vet, someone who can better address this for you. Poor little hammy. What's his name?

07-18-2015, 01:37 PM
This is his ear a few days ago (both are hurt though)

And thats his mouth when it first started


he seems to be scratching alot to but i guess all the sores are probably itchy

07-18-2015, 01:38 PM
Hes called Truffle. hate seeing him in so much pain. I was thinking it might be skin cancer or something but cushings fits to :(

07-18-2015, 01:46 PM
I hate to see any furry in pain. :-( Bear in mind that, as a prey animal, hamsters will often not show they are hurting. In nature, animals who show they are ill may be attacked and killed by other animals, even those of their own kind, So Truffle may not be showing much pain. This looks to be a serious problem, so be prepared to help him to the Rainbow Bridge if it looks like his quality of life is getting poor. An exotics vet will be able to give you a better idea of what Truffle needs at this point.:-(

07-18-2015, 01:52 PM
He's definitely in pain he keep squealing when ever he tries moving around.

But at the same time he begs for attention and food as he always has.

I'm hoping if the infection can be cleared up i can keep him comfortable despite whatevers causing it but i'm starting to accept that might not be the case.

07-18-2015, 02:00 PM
:-( These things are never easy for us, as we love our little fluffs. But as Souffle usually says, any decision made from love will be the best decision for both you and your pet. See how it goes over the next couple of days. {gentle hammy pats} for Truffle. {hugs} for you. :-(

07-18-2015, 02:06 PM
Il keep you updated.

I'm really hoping this manuka honey combined with anti biotics will deal with the infection.

And we can find a vet to deal with the cause of it all.

07-18-2015, 02:15 PM
Poor guy :(. I definitely think you need to get him seen by a rodent specialist, if you can't find one yourself kick up a fuss for a referral from your vet if you have to. You can't effectively treat something if you don't have a proper diagnosis.

07-18-2015, 02:18 PM
Have you had a look here = Cushings Disease in Syrian Hamsters - Hamster Central WIKI (http://www.hamstercentral.com/wiki/Cushings_Disease_in_Syrian_Hamsters)
It is hard to see them in pain but if the infection gets too much he will get the toxins into his blood and he will not recover I'm afraid. I think it is Cushing's and he needs to fight the infection from within. I'm not a great fan of the honey as it makes them very sticky as well as attracts insects do be very careful wasps and things don't come near him. Humans ca have the honey under a dressing but small animals like hamsters cannot so it is tricky to manage.
I personally feel it is better a few days too early than a few days too late when it comes to decisions. Watch him closely and see when he stops enjoying doing hamstery things and listen closely to your heart xx

07-19-2015, 01:31 AM
I have actually read quite a bit on cushings, my old hamster Jasper (unfortunately he passed away in march from a stroke) had hair loss and black pigmentation everywhere, so at the time cushings was one the things I came across. It turned out not to be that thankfully though.

I'm hoping its not that with Truffle to I noticed no hair loss until after he developed the sores but he is a long haired hamster so maybe thats why. and maybe the black pigmentation is just because he's a sable hamster like Jasper was.

He seems a bit more active this morning at least, woke up to him ripping up newspaper in his cage (iv replaced the sawdust with newspaper to help avoid more infection)

07-19-2015, 02:34 AM
Hi fluffytruffle. I`ve done some googling on this and it could be something called Polyomavurus. Syrian hamsters can get this. I`m no expert by any means, but the open wounds on your hamster are quite similar to the articles I looked at. It would be worth running it by any vet you see from now on. Sadly, I read that there is no cure for it but obviously, you need to see someone who can verify what Truffle actually has. Best of luck and I hope Truffles can be helped. x

07-19-2015, 03:44 AM
There doesn't seem to be very much information about Polyomavirus.

Am I right in thinking its cancer? And by highly contagious does that mean its zoonotic and can pass to other animals to? or just pass to other hamsters?

I'm going to ask to be referred to a rodent specialist on Monday.

Does anyone know how much treatment with a rodent specialist tends to cost?

07-19-2015, 04:23 AM
Hello fluffy truffle, I am so sorry to read of Truffle's health problems.
Like everything, I suspect price depends on where you live and of course you might need to travel. If you are anywhere near London/SW side I strongly recommend CJHall who are exotic specialists. I have been there with my daughter Dusty( on HC) for treatment to a chinchilla and 2 hamsters. Matthew is one of the very best. I think the consultation fee is £50 plus any medicines or procedures like X-ray. That will give you a guide. If you are within reach of CJHall then look at their website and you can phone them to ask prices.

07-19-2015, 05:09 AM
Hope the vet you see can give a good diagnosis. I can see you would want to avoid wood shavings getting stuck to his sores, but newspaper isn't good for them really - the printing ink can be very bad for them if they chew it.

Cardboard might be better. Finacard make bedding/litter from cardboard which could be good, but you would need to give it a good shake out first to make sure there's no dust at all (it does say virtually dust free but just to be on the safe side). Although I guess it could have smaller pieces that could stick to him.

Or maybe a piece of cardboard on the bottom and some paper nesting material on top. Toilet paper could stick to wounds but I used to buy those bags of white nesting paper which were like strips of normal paper and kind of harder paper - they would probably be good as wouldn't stick - it's almost like greaseproof paper. I think it was by Animal Dreams. Actually greaseproof paper you get for cooking might be good - it's like brown paper that comes on a roll and you could get it from any supermarket - and it won't stick to him. The white paper bedding would be nice for nesting though.

You can also get a large hemp mat which is supposed to be for nursing animals - and would make a soft cushion under the paper - I wouldn't use it on it's own as it can be quite rough with the odd loose scratchy bit, but under greaseproof paper it would add some depth and cushioning.

Hugro Hemp Floor Pad Maxi for Rodents, 100 x 40 cm: Amazon.co.uk: Pet Supplies (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hugro-Hemp-Floor-Maxi-Rodents/dp/B0051N4QJC/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_3?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1437307712&sr=1-3-fkmr0&keywords=hugro+hemp+mat)

07-19-2015, 06:30 AM
Go to Google and type in, `polyomavirus in hamsters`. Scroll down a bit and you will see a page of images. Click on these and you will see a fair few comparisons. Some are quite graphic so I didn`t want to post them. x

07-19-2015, 01:40 PM
I can definitely see the similarity in the facial wounds.

Iv applied the honey to Truffs tummy so we will see if that helps.

The little guys been very active this afternoon, but to the point hes hurting himself. He has a coconut house, he ran over his house flipped over and ended up on his back unable to get up.

Hes also been climbing his bars which use to be fine except now he keeps falling. its a nightmare keeping him safe.

Nancy's Hamsters
07-19-2015, 01:56 PM
My first thought when you showed Truffles face was PolyomaVirus. It is highly contagoius to other hamsters so if you have any others it is best to not house him any where near them and you need to take extra strict handling cautions not because you will get it but it can spread to other hamsters by you getting the liquid that oozes out of his blisters and pass it on to other hamsters.

The one thing that has me thinking is the fact you said these sores came on suddenly and in a very short time. Makes me wonder if they could be a result from Spider bites, or Ant bites. Is his skin dry and crusty like Cushings skin will be?

Is it at all possible a hatching of spiderlings could have reached Truffle in his cage? Like a Brown Recluse hatched nest.

07-19-2015, 01:57 PM
Can you show a photo of his cage set up and we might be able to advise on keeping it safe for him. It's tricky to cushion falls without the deeper soft substrate. Maybe you could have some deep substrate and then put paper or card over the top of it? That way it would lessen the internal height of the cage and provide some cushioning as well. 3 layers of that hemp mat would do to, but that would work out a bit expensive.

07-19-2015, 02:11 PM
He came over to say hello haha when i went to take a picture.

I havnt taken anything out of his cage yet because well to be honest hes been spending most the time in his nest anyway.

I'm guessing its best to take out his ladder, coconut and sea saw. and il look into the hemp mat.


07-19-2015, 02:14 PM
My first thought when you showed Truffles face was PolyomaVirus. It is highly contagoius to other hamsters so if you have any others it is best to not house him any where near them and you need to take extra strict handling cautions not because you will get it but it can spread to other hamsters by you getting the liquid that oozes out of his blisters and pass it on to other hamsters.

The one thing that has me thinking is the fact you said these sores came on suddenly and in a very short time. Makes me wonder if they could be a result from Spider bites, or Ant bites. Is his skin dry and crusty like Cushings skin will be?

Is it at all possible a hatching of spiderlings could have reached Truffle in his cage? Like a Brown Recluse hatched nest.

He had the sore on this chin for months, but i put it down to bar biting, then the one on his ear appeared and the others appeared rapidly after.

His skin appears red and irritated in areas but not dry.

07-19-2015, 03:54 PM
Yes it's probably best to take out the hanging things and high up things like the ladder, suspended house and the shelves. I would leave the base as it is so it's still familiar. I don't suppose the coconut can do much harm - if it aggravated him he wouldn't use it - but maybe you could put some paper nest material in there to line it a bit kind of. If he likes the seesaw that can't do much harm either really. Does he have a wheel or have you taken that out already? I hope you get a diagnosis from the vet so you know what to do. He would probably be better in a bigger cage - something long and low, like a zoozone 2 or maxi duna multy, but wait and see what the vet says. It's good that he is wanting to be a bit active, he is obviously not feeling too bad in himself. Do you have a playpen area or something where he could come out and explore a bit?

07-19-2015, 04:09 PM
I normally let him come and play on my sofa or bed or whatever. But thats a bit of an awkward situation with the state his stomach is in. Plus iv been trying not to handle him in case i hurt him. I could put a towel over my sofa and let him climb over it like he normally does.

Yup definitely gonna have to take out the suspended house just looked over and hes sitting on top of it!! Surely him being so active is a good sign though? Il make the changes to his cage.

This is his stomach today. Does the tissue look necrotic to you or am I being paranoid?

07-20-2015, 12:00 AM
It doesn't look in a good state to me to be honest :( There is not sign of healing tissue on the wound and if he is in bed all the time he does not seem to be feeling too well. If the infected tissue spreads further it will be even harder to heal and toxins from the infection will be getting in to his bloodstream and making him feel very bad.
Look very carefully at his life quality and ask him what he wants to do. Listen closely for a sign from him.

07-20-2015, 12:32 AM
I agree with the others about removing the toys and giving him more nesting material, keep his water bottle low down and as soufflé suggested, look at his quality of life and decide if he`s really going to recover from this. The wounds look a bit like MRSA, as if the immune system is down and infection is rife. A vet could try and treat this but if it is diagnosed as the poly virus, I did read that there is no cure. A decent vet would/should be able to tell you more. The one you saw obviously didn`t have a clue.

Poor lad, I hope you find a solution but if that means allowing him a peaceful end, you will be making the right decision fluffytruffle. x

07-20-2015, 12:59 AM
I can't really tell from a photo and I'm not an expert. Did you say you were taking him to the vets today? It must be hard wondering if this is some condition that means he might needing helping on his way, especially when he is seeming so active. It sounds like you need a diagnosis and to talk it through with the vet to help know what the next course of action is.

07-20-2015, 08:01 AM
Truff is doing better.

Since applying the honey to his wound, the bad smell is milder. And hes getting more active.

Were seeing the hamster specialist Wednesday. Will ask about polyomavirus, skin infections and cushings disease. Since they seem the most likeliest.

Im hoping its not polyomavirus, at least with cushings he might still have a few months left right?

07-20-2015, 08:38 AM
Try not to think too much about what it might be until you have seen the vet. That's good news that the Manuka is helping. It makes me want to put a little dressing on him! I'm an ex nurse and wounds in humans need dry dressings to protect them - I don't think your hammy would take kindly to being bandaged up though and would probably eat the bandage. Just take each day as it comes and see how he is. Our little hammies have limited lifespans and sooner or later something can affect them. Fingers crossed it is nothing too unpleasant.

07-20-2015, 08:43 AM
Agree. Just be there for him and see what the vet thinks. Medical grade manuka honey is meant to be very good against open wounds, although on a little animal who may lick it off, I`m not too sure! Best of luck and I hope it`s nothing that can`t be overturned or at least, treated for better palliative care. x

07-20-2015, 08:57 AM
Yup its Activon medical grade manuka honey im using on him and i'm shocked at how well its worked so far.

Haha if you could put plasters or bandages on hamsters I don't think his stomach would of got as bad as it has.

Random question but how long is jarred baby food okay for once opened? been feeding him that.

07-20-2015, 09:01 AM
I imagine if you keep it refrigerated it could be fine for a few days or even longer. I`ve never used baby food so will leave that to someone who has. I can recommend though if you have any Supreme science selective heart-shaped biscuits, bash one or two up either using a pestle & mortar or a rolling pin add a drop or two of water and mix into a dry paste. Like the soft consistency of marzipan. Crush in some nuts and a few crushed sunflower seeds. He will like that, it smells and testes nutty. x

07-20-2015, 09:05 AM
Are Supreme science selective heart-shaped biscuits hamster biscuits? il look out for them. Iv been feeding him porridge to he like that :) x

07-20-2015, 09:11 AM
Manuka honey is amazing, great to hear it seems to be helping your little ham.

Baby food only keeps for a couple of days, maybe 3 at most so I freeze it, teaspoonfuls in an ice cube tray then just take out a little piece as I need it, it defrost really quickly.

Agree with the others about not trying to guess what the diagnosis maybe, you can drive yourself crazy that way, just take a day at a time & wait to see what the vet has to say on Wednesday.

This is the science selective if you're looking out for it Science Selective Hamster (http://www.supremepetfoods.com/products/science-selective-hamster/)

07-20-2015, 02:43 PM
Thats a good idea.

Thanks for all your help

07-21-2015, 12:25 PM
Hes not very responsive today :(

07-21-2015, 12:26 PM
Poor wee lad - it may be his time drawing near. Tell him it is OK to go now if he is ready xx Thinking of you x

07-21-2015, 03:01 PM
I dunno its like he'l improve a bit them go downhill a bit.

Everyone seems to be preparing me for the worst tomorrow. Im dreading it.

07-21-2015, 03:04 PM
Is it tomorrow you go to the vets with him? So sorry he's gone downhill again. I think it's like this for humans when they are fighting infections. They have a good day, use up too much energy and are then wiped out for a day or so.

07-21-2015, 03:22 PM
Hello fluffytruffle. I do hope the vet can help Truffle tomorrow. However, he does seem to be in very poor shape. People on HC really do understand how hard this is for you, but I think most of us are preparing you for the possibility of the vet recommending that Truffle needs help to go on to the Bridge. It is pretty clear from the photos that the poor baby must have such pain with open wounds. That's not to say that the vet might not have other ideas. So, let's see how tomorrow goes. My heart goes out to you, I'd dread it too. As long as you focus on what's best for Truffle you can't go wrong. We'll all be waiting to hear how it's gone. {hugs} :-(

07-21-2015, 03:53 PM
I hate the idea of truffle being in pain and if there is no way to help him that will realistically work, id take that pain away in a heartbeat for him.

But he's still only a year and a half old, he's fighting it and I still see enthusiasm for life in him even if at the same time I see pain. So I still have hope he can beat whatever this is.

I'l keep you all updated tomorrow.

07-22-2015, 02:58 AM
Hi fluffytruffle. Hope Truffle doing ok and the vet is better than the last one. his wounds look really sore :-(

07-22-2015, 04:00 AM
Hope you guys have an easy trip to the vets and the outcome is positive. Thinking of you both today. x

07-22-2015, 05:01 AM
I can feel it in my heart that he'll keep fighting whatever it is. I can truly say that I know he'll get better somehow. I'm sure it'll get better.


07-22-2015, 08:57 AM
Truffle had aggressive skin cancer. All the skin wounds on his face and neck was it spreading, The vet said there was no treatment and he would continue to deteriorate and advised the best course of action was euthanasia. She said she'd seen other hamsters with the condition litually screaming in pain as it advances. So I said good bye to him today.

I buried him after.

07-22-2015, 09:02 AM
Bless his little heart FluffyTruffle. You tried your best and you gave him the last great gift which is peaceful rest. You did him proud x
Play well at the bridge little one x

07-22-2015, 09:13 AM
So sorry fluffytruffle, his life was far too short but filled with love & you did the very best thing for him.
Run free & play well at the bridge little Truffle.

07-22-2015, 09:14 AM
I am sorry for your loss, Truffle was a beautiful hamster. You did everything and more for him, he would be proud of you. He will always look down and watch over you. He did not suffer, you gave him a great life.

Run free at the bridge truffle, you will be forever in our hearts xx

07-22-2015, 09:18 AM
:( You both fought hard and endured good and bad times. Truffle won`t now be in any discomfort now although losing him won`t make you feel any better fluffy. You can sit by him in the garden now and remember the good times. Brave lad. x

07-22-2015, 09:56 AM
When the heart grieves, it grieves for the love it has cherished. Fluffytruffle remains engraved in your heart and your love for him lives on forever. No more pain little fluff, play well at the bridge little one xx

07-22-2015, 10:18 AM
I've been following this thread but my ideas were already in it, so I didn't post.. really hoping it was something he could come back from. :(

I'm so sorry fluffytruffle, you did everything you could for him, made him comfortable, soothed his wounds and when it came to it you took the best action in his interest and let him go. RIP truffle, I'm sure he knew he was loved. x

07-22-2015, 10:22 AM
:-( FluffyTruffle, I am so sorry that you've lost Truffle. You gave him peace and escape from the pain. That is such a gift. He had no way to make that pain go away; only his friend could do that for him. I think his gravesite is lovely. When my fluffs pass on I bury them in my garden too. I usually plant flowers over the grave. I know there is a Truffle shaped hole in your heart right now, but it will get better. {hugs} Play well at the Bridge Truffle, no more pain sweet little man. :-(

07-22-2015, 11:17 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Truffle. Atleast truffle is at peace and not in pain at the bridge now. he was loved and surely will be missed.

07-22-2015, 11:24 AM
Hugs for you xxx

07-22-2015, 11:37 AM
So sorry about Truffle. You did the best thing for him. It is very hard to say goodbye like that. His little grave and stone are a sweet memorial. Play well at the bridge Truffle.

Nancy's Hamsters
07-22-2015, 01:07 PM
Sorry for your loss Fluffytruffle. I look at his passing as a learning experience for others in latter times. He will live on by his help and yours on giving such great details and information on what to look for with skin problems that don't seem to heal with any antibiotics and also what you did to keep Truffle as comfortable and happy as possible, and also how to decide when enough is enough and to let our loved pets go with dignity in their last days.

I commend you Fluffytruffle for letting Truffles go and be in peace it had to be very hard on you, but your love for truffles held you up strong and be able to let him go be at peace and pain free.

RIP Truffles play well on the wheel that never squeaks at Rainbow bridge.
HUGS to you Fluffytruffle while you face the hardest part of pet ownership which is saying goodbye.

07-22-2015, 03:31 PM
Sorry for your loss Fluffytruffle. I look at his passing as a learning experience for others in latter times. He will live on by his help and yours on giving such great details and information on what to look for with skin problems that don't seem to heal with any antibiotics and also what you did to keep Truffle as comfortable and happy as possible, and also how to decide when enough is enough and to let our loved pets go with dignity in their last days.

I commend you Fluffytruffle for letting Truffles go and be in peace it had to be very hard on you, but your love for truffles held you up strong and be able to let him go be at peace and pain free.

RIP Truffles play well on the wheel that never squeaks at Rainbow bridge.
HUGS to you Fluffytruffle while you face the hardest part of pet ownership which is saying goodbye.

This is a really nice thing to say thank you.

Thank you for all your kind words everyone.