View Full Version : Rosie now has a lump in tummy

07-14-2015, 09:56 AM

I have posted on here about Rosie our Syrian and trying to tame her. We went on holiday last week and Rosie was with our neighbour. When we came back we thought she had got fatter but was fine. The other day she woke and she couldn't open her eye. I phoned the vet and got an appointment today. The eye is actually ok as I managed to wipe with a cotton pad and saline. However the vet found a mass in Rosie's abdomen!! She tried to drain it as she thought it was a cyst! Not a lot of fluid came out so we have anti inflammatories to give her ( how I don't know as she won't come out much now). She has also lost a bit of fur from where the vet was holding her and is limping.

Anyone been though this? I feel so bad for the poor wee thing. We got her in April 21st 2015 at 10 weeks old! She's still a young hamster

07-15-2015, 02:17 AM
Hi Rosiemum that's very sad to hear. Your Rosie is obviously very young still but sometimes these things happen. The limping could be caused by the pain of the tumour. If she was mine I would probably search for another vet with more small rodent experience and get a second opinion... But then my gut instinct is that she's obviously very poorly, especially if she's not coming out much now) and another vet trip probably isn't wise.
Try and make her comfortable. Lots of ripped up tissues to make a large comfortable nest in. Feed her her favourite treats, I'd recommend spoon feeding her cold porridge (spoon feeding is better to make sure she doesn't pouch it), keep an eye on how much she's eating and drinking and keep her cage in as quiet and sheltered place as possible so she can relax (especially if she's still not 100% tame).

Hopefully some of the others on here will give some more, probably better advice :)

07-16-2015, 01:38 AM
Thanks for your advice. Rosie has now gone to hamster heaven. It was a tumour probably in her womb . Sad sad day

07-16-2015, 03:21 AM
I am so sorry to hear this, very sad, especially when you had her for such a short time. I hope this doesn't put you off getting another hamster. It could have been genetics and buying from a breeder could be an option. We got our Syrian from a pet shop and have been lucky so far. Goodbye little Rose - poor wee thing - but she had love and a good home with you for her short life and is free from pain now and playing over the rainbow. xxx

07-16-2015, 03:49 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this, it's very hard to lose a hamster so young, it's sad she had such a short life but I'm sure it was full of love & I can imagine how much you will miss her.
Tumours are just one of those unpredictable things that do occur sometimes & there's nothing more you could have done.
Play well at the bridge little Rosie.

07-18-2015, 03:12 PM
Dear Rosiemum, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, I can fully appreciate what you are going through, I very recently lost my baby boy Ollie In very similar circumstances I went on holiday and came home to a very poorly hammy he passedc away last week he had tumors. I'm so sorry xxxx

J xxxx

07-18-2015, 03:26 PM
How very sad for this to happen to Rosie. I am so sorry you lost her. :-( Play well at the Rainbow Bridge Rosie. :-(