View Full Version : Is she pregnant?

07-09-2015, 09:35 AM
I got my Syrian on the 26th June and I'm really new to this hamster business, I left her alone for 2 days and then tamed her, she is amazing now and not bitten once, she slept a lot the first few days but now she hardly sleeps, she never eats in front if me, she takes it back to her house where she's built a massive best, she's gotten a lot bigger then when I brought her and her nipples and a lot more on show where as they were hidden by her fur before, I know she was with another hamster in the pet shop but they said they were both females? Could she be pregnant? Or am I just over reacting? Help! :confused:

Nancy's Hamsters
07-09-2015, 10:26 PM
I'd place her on Pregnancy watch until at least the 12th of July. Pet Shops are horrid at knowing sex of hamsters and many just assume what the broker states for sex is fact.
Getting bigger about the waist and protruding nipples is usually a good hint she is pregnant.

I suggest you read up on the Wiki thread on unplanned pregnancies and feed her as if she is pregnant by offering high protein foods like scrambled eggs and porridge until no pups arrive by the 14th at the latest but if she was just bred before you bought her the pups will arrive on the 12th or sooner.

07-10-2015, 12:27 AM
It's good you are on alert Biscuit! At least you can prepare now. Do you know how old your ham is? Can you get a picture?