View Full Version : Advice please?

07-06-2015, 01:33 PM

I'm hoping you guys can give some guidance. I have a dwarf hamster who is a year and 9 months old. Normally she's really active day or night, eats and drinks well, and is at the cage door waiting when she hears my voice. The past week or so she has been a lot more withdrawn, she's spending more time in her little house and sleeping in her tubes. In the last 5 days particularly she has had damp fur around her bottom, and she's not cleaning it like normal (not sure if she's struggling to reach). I've ruled out wet tail as her poo is solid and a normal colour. She's still quite active when she does come out to play, she's still running around fine but has stopped drinking from her water bottle? I've been feeding her water from my finger or by putting it in a small bottle lid. Also she's been nipping me the past few days which she hasn't done since she was a baby :-(

Basically, I'm just wondering whether this is just the start of her showing the ageing process and I should stop worrying, or whether I should take her to the vet?

I've also considered whether she may be too warm, it's hotter than normal in the UK at the moment so I've got her on my bedside table near an open window so I can see if that helps and so I can hear how active she is through the night.

This post was longer than I intended but I'm totally worrying!

Thanks :-)

07-06-2015, 01:39 PM
It sounds like she's starting the ageing process to me, since 1yr 9m is quite old for a dwarf, but since she hasn't been drinking I would take her to the vet just to be sure. If she's showing signs of being dehydrated, you could make a re-hydration fluid from water, sugar and salt (you can find recipes online) but other than that, just make sure she is out of direct sunlight, preferably away from a window, and perhaps consider moving her to a cooler part of your house.

07-06-2015, 01:47 PM
Thanks :-) she seems quite perky when she does come out and I'm giving her water every day either on my finger till she decides she's had enough or in a bottle lid. It's just so unlike her to be anything less than sparkling clean :-( I've moved her to my bedroom where the window is always open so hopefully that will make a difference.

Thanks for your advice :-)

07-06-2015, 11:45 PM
It could be signs of old age & the heat could well have made her feel less active but that really doesn't explain why she's not drinking from her bottle as she normally does or cleaning herself properly.
Is she still eating OK?
If she's nipping that could be a sign that she's in pain or just feeling unwell so I would imagine there is something else going on.
If you can give her a full health check yourself (any unusual lumps or bumps, teeth or pouch problems etc) or take her to the vet to be on the safe side,

07-07-2015, 12:00 AM
I agree that she`s ageing and all sorts can go on once they start to feel they are slowing down. Try and have a fan on in the room when the temperatures are very warm and muggy. This does help move the air around.

Can she normally reach her drinking bottle or does it need lowering? It`s strange that she would stop looking for it. Offer her a few raw veggies like a garden pea, broccoli and a little thumbnail piece of apple (remove the skin). The veggies can be frozen and run under cold water for a few seconds to take the frost away. My russian dwarf loved his little pieces of veg daily.

She will likely want to sleep more so that`s not unusual at this age. It`s good that her poo is shaped and not watery. The wetness around her bottom could be mucus or urine. If it gets quite smells, you could gently wash her bum with a wetted cotton ball and like warm water. x

07-07-2015, 04:18 AM
Thanks for your replies ��

@cypher It's weird , sshe knows the bottle is there she just won't use it but is more than happy taking it off my finger, I left some in there in a bottle lid last night and it was gone this morning. She's eating fine and I can't feel any lumps or bumps other than the food she pouches but it's never a thorough check as she won't stay still long enough, she's a wriggler!

@racinghamster she's always been able to reach her bottle and work it no problem but if she's been a little hot I guess she might be too weak to work it. I'll try the frozen veg, she loves broccoli and I guess the water in it will help her too. I kept her upstairs near an open window last night and again today away from sunlight so hopefully it will help to cool her down. I'm sure it's just urine on her bottom as it's now dried but she won't let me clean it she just wriggles off, I've left a sand bath in her cage to try to prompt her to clean it and maybe cool down so we'll see.

Thanks everyone :-)

07-09-2015, 08:41 AM
A little update:

My little one is in the stages of dying from old age :-( she's no longer taking food or drink, sleeping almost constantly and her breathing and heartbeat are a lot less strong :-( it's absolutely heartbreaking to watch, but I've got her lying on my chest nice and comfortable so I'm hoping she'll be peaceful at least.

07-09-2015, 08:46 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Sarah, I'm sure being so close to you is a great comfort to her, I really hope her time is peaceful, it will clearly be full of love.
It is heartbreaking I know, a really hard time but you've done your best for her & given her a good life, that's all we can do.

07-09-2015, 08:53 AM
You are with her Sarah and that means a lot. Allow nature to take her in time and we are all with you in mind and spirit. Sometimes it`s a good idea to just allow them to sleep away in their nest, so if she`s still very sleepy and unsettled, don`t feel bad if you have to place her gently back into her nesting area and leave her be. x

07-09-2015, 08:59 AM
She's snuggled herself up under my chin now with a little blanket so it's just a waiting game, but a really hard one ��

Thank your for all your help and support I really appreciate it x

07-09-2015, 09:33 AM
So sorry to hear this - we're thinking about you. It's tough but I'm glad he has you.

07-09-2015, 10:33 AM
Is there anything else I can do for her to make her comfortable? She's not taking water or the baby food I bought her and I've got her wrapped up in her little blanket but I feel like I should be doing something :-(

07-09-2015, 11:05 AM
To be honest Sarah, she would probably be best in a cosy nest she knows and that`s in her own cage where she`s settled. If she has stopped eating/drinking and is very weak, her body will slowly shut down and she needs peace and quiet for this process to happen and just watch over her. She could be kept wrapped in a small fleece, but in the end, if she`s going to gently pass, she may do if she already has her eyes closed and her body starts to feel cold. You do what you feel she is more at peace with, but don`t feel you have to be dong anything. If you have offered a dropper of water or a small piece of food and she isn`t taking any or not responding, I would leave it. There comes a time when we walk away and leave them to slowly pass. I`v had to watch over some of mine like this and it`s never easy, but remind yourself that you are there for her and it`s better she is where she is than alone. x

07-09-2015, 11:10 AM
Yeah I guess you're right. It's never easy watching them slip away. I did put her back in her cage but she instantly started looking for my hand again with the little energy she has so I brought her back out and she's rested herself under my chin :-) thanks again, I'll not bombard you with any more questions!

07-09-2015, 11:20 AM
Don`t worry about that. Sometimes they seek out their human companion when like this so it`s normal. I`ve had a few hamsters want to be `with me` before their time. It`s lovely to let them cuddle in so go ahead if it`s what she`s looking for. x

07-09-2015, 11:29 AM
It's lovely actually to have her cuddling, she's never done it before. She's always counted her time out of the cage as a challenge to escape, she's definitely always been a lively one :-D I've just been looking through old photos and videos. I found a video of the state I found her cage in one day.... More shavings outside the cage than in, bedding strewn everywhere and her flying saucer wheel upside down. I still to this day can't work out how one dwarf hamster managed to tip her own wheel up ����

07-09-2015, 12:17 PM
I'm glad she wants to be with you - it means you are giving her comfort just by being with her and cuddling her - it probably makes her feel safer. I know Charlie clings to me if he is scared of something that isn't me lol!

Do you have a little dropper you could try for water or something tastier? It's not the kind of thing most people have around. I think you can buy them in Boots the chemist though, although that's probably no good till tomorrow. Meanwhile how about a weeny bit of baby food on the end of a teaspoon - not the spoon end, the other end - or on the end of a straw? Something very small she can lick or can be dripped into her mouth from if she shows interest.

07-09-2015, 01:02 PM
I've been trying her with water and baby food for the past few hours but she just doesn't really respond :-( the only kind of response I'm getting now is he crawling back to me if I move her so I've stopped even trying to move her unless I absolutely have to. Her breaths are short and fast and she's barely waking so I don't think it's going to be too much longer for the poor mite :-( thank you for your replies and support :-)

07-09-2015, 01:16 PM
I should just gently stroke her then, make reassuring noises, and let her relax on you. Is there someone can run around after you so you don't have to move?

07-09-2015, 01:35 PM
No unfortunately not, I was hoping she'd last until tomorrow when my partner comes home so he could say goodbye but it doesn't look that way. I'm quite happy to sit still with her and I'll probably stay where we are tonight so I don't disturb her :-) it's worth it to make sure she's comfortable and peaceful x

07-09-2015, 02:27 PM
Well we're thinking about you so don't feel too alone with this. Give her a kiss from me.

07-09-2015, 02:33 PM
I am send you both warm, soft hugs. You are not alone if you need to talk we will always listen and respond. You take care, you know what is right to do.

07-09-2015, 03:00 PM
Thank you. She passed about 5 minutes ago, I'm absolutely heartbroken. However one reassurance is that right before she passed she scrambled up my chest to my face (I was lying down) and nuzzled me then went :-( I'm just glad she didn't suffer on for days. Thanks for being there x

07-09-2015, 03:58 PM
I am sorry for you loss Sarah {hugs}, find comfort that she had a wonderful life with you and you were there for her when she needed it the most. Remember the wonderful memories.

Run free at the rainbow bridge little one, you will always be in our hearts xx

07-09-2015, 04:14 PM
Poor girl :( it's so touching that you were able to comfort her before she passed, run free and rest in peace little one

07-09-2015, 05:29 PM
So hard - hugs.

07-09-2015, 11:16 PM
I'm so sorry Sarah, it is hard but she had the best end to her life she could have wished for with you.
Hope you're OK *hugs*.

07-09-2015, 11:46 PM
What a moment for both of you and it`s always nice to be there for them at the end Sarah. It`s so hard knowing they are leaving us. Gives you that empty, hopeless feeling. But also knowing they won`t be suffering. x

07-10-2015, 12:57 AM
Thanks all. She definitely let me know when it was time like I've seen you all say, every time I started to fall asleep she made a little clicking noise and moved her paw, maybe she sensed my change in breathing I don't know. I feel better knowing I was there and she wasn't alone. She's all tucked up now in a little box I got her and we're going to pick a spot for her in the garden later :-(

I'm sure she's having fun at the bridge and I'm pretty sure that if there's a way out of that place she'll track it down :-D

I'll post something in the memorial board so you can all hear about more about her when she was well (a big character) and a picture if I can work out how to do it :-)

Thanks for listening and helping, it made a big difference x

07-10-2015, 01:23 AM
They give us so much when they are with us and it`s hellish saying goodbye when we feel they should live much longer. You can lay a little keepsake by her grave and will always remember her. x

07-10-2015, 04:01 AM
This is so sad to read, my thoughts are with you Sarah. As heartbreaking as it is, reading your posts about how she wanted to be close to you at the end are very moving, you two obviously had a wonderful bond. All the best to you and rest in peace little one xx

07-10-2015, 04:33 AM
Thank you :-) we had quite a journey together from start to finish and with her help I managed to change the opinions of friends and family about hamsters being "smelly" or "biting" or "boring". She was none of that and I'll never forget her :-)

I've attached a photo of her, I wanted to attach two more but it won't let me so I'll post them individually below :-)

07-10-2015, 04:35 AM
Here's a selfie taken with her own little paws when she was investigating my touch screen phone ☺️:D

07-10-2015, 04:37 AM
And finally here is her having a cuddle for all of 2 seconds before taking off to explore the sofa. I'll end on this one but thank you all for listening, it's been much appreciated and a huge help! X

07-10-2015, 04:41 AM
Beautiful girl - free now x You have the same colour hair as me :) Hope today isn't too hard, remember the good times and say goodbye.

07-10-2015, 04:47 AM
The house is very quiet without her scratching cracking seeds open, throwing things down her tubes or chewing on the bars to be let out. We're just waiting for her daddy so he can say goodbye then we'll lay her to rest.

Lol she loved my hair, I'm sure she thought it was some kind of rope for her climb up!

07-10-2015, 04:58 AM
She was a beautiful girl, you obviously had a really great bond with her, they do take us on a journey, each & every one of them in their own special way, cherish those memories.

07-10-2015, 08:29 AM
Thanks for sharing your photos Sarah, she was lovely and as you said, a character! Hopefully you can find a space for another needy hamster at some point if and when you feel ready. It couldn`t be in better hands. x