View Full Version : Little white balls coming from my hamster?

07-02-2015, 10:24 PM
Hi everyone. I have a 1 year old hybrid dwarf hamster. Recently I've been finding these little white balls, maybe like the size of lentil sometimes with a pointed shape coming off, around my hamster. I've only found like 3 but I'm concerned. I've found 2 on his wheel and one while he was running around. I don't know where they came from but I know they're from him. It feels like a jelly texture and is completely white and solid and will break apart if you squeeze at it.
Thank you for any help!

07-02-2015, 11:06 PM
I have no idea what that is! Is there anything he could be rolling in? Or do you think he is passing it like poo?

07-04-2015, 12:37 AM
From the description, they `might` be semen. Check that he is peeing okay. I`ve seen white-like blobs of semen that go hard when exposed to the air that resemble small hailstones with a tail! Male mice can have these form around the penis and they can block the urethra and cause penile prolapse, but I`m only suggesting this is what they could be. If your hamster is peeing fine and his genital area is clean/clear, I have no idea what else these could be but they do need further investigation. x